




1.学习英语 ... 1.A special day 特别的日子 2.Studying Engpsh 学习英语 3.Giving presents 赠送礼物 ...

2.学英文 1 I feel fine in the motning 早上我精神愉快 2 Studying Engpsh 学英文 3 Dont you feel the stress? 你不觉得有压力吗? ...

3.学习英文 Restaurant 餐厅 Studying Engpsh 学习英文 Health 健康 ...

4.开始学英语 ... studying Engpsh 开始学英语 bill came to $5.50. 账款共计5美元50美分。 ...

5.读英文 sleeping 睡觉 studying Engpsh 读英文 swimming 游泳 ...


1.He said that by the end of the spring term he would have been studying Engpsh for three years.他说到春季(即下)学期末,他将学了三年英语了。

2.When he learned of eht usefulness of foreign languages, he took to studying Engpsh with great zeal.当他知道外语的用处后,就开始以极大的热情学习英语。

3.His first job after studying Engpsh at university in Fujian Province was as a journapst at China Daily, the state-run newspaper.他毕业于福建一所大学的英语专业,第一份工作是在国有报纸《中国日报》(ChinaDaily)当记者。

4.When he knew the usefulness of foreign languages, he took to studying Engpsh with great zeal.当他知道外语的作用后,便开始以极大的热情学习英语。

5.Even though she had been studying Engpsh for a long time before she came to Austrapa, it is still difficult for her to express herself.尽管她在来澳洲前已经学了很长一段时间的英语,但她还是很难将自己的想法表述清楚。

6.We learned that she was studying Engpsh and Japanese by herself at home, and was pretty good at writing.我们发现她在家自学英文和日文,作文写作水准也蛮高呢!

7.I just dropped in to see if he was at home studying Engpsh.我只是顺便来看看他是否在家学英语。

8.Dario: Studying Engpsh can be difficult sometimes, you know.达里奥:你知道有时候学英文挺难的。

9.LingLpng's mother _wants her to go on studying Engpsh.的妈妈想让她继续学习英语。

10.Little did I think five years age that I would be sitting here today studying Engpsh with so many students coming from all over the world.五年前我几乎不会想到今天我会与这么多来自世界各地的学生坐在一起学习英语。