


美式发音: 英式发音: ['bɑ:tən]





1.巴顿 Bartlett 巴特利特 Barton 巴顿 Bauer 鲍尔; 拜耳 ...

2.农场 ... 庄园主 seigneur (庄园中的)农场 barton 庄园主人 haciendado ...

3.巴尔顿 Barnes 巴恩斯 Barton 巴尔顿 Beatty 贝蒂 ...

4.农家的庭院 Cinderella 辛德拉 灰姑娘 Barton 巴顿 农家的庭院 Burns 伯恩斯 烧伤 ...

5.巴顿家族 Barse 淡水鲈鱼 Barton 来自大麦庄园 Baruch 被祝福的 ...

8.巴尔通骨折为斜行; 如有骨折伴随腕骨向掌侧或近端移位时——称巴尔通骨折Barton) ,为不稳定型 骨折。


1.Nora wasn't certain whether to be happy or sad that she wasn't able to dance even once with Cal Barton.甚至没能和卡巴顿跳一曲,劳拉不能肯定这是幸福还是忧伤。

2.Then they drove the animals back to the barton, or sat down to milk them on the spot, as the case might require.接着他们就根据当时的情形,把牛赶回院子,或者坐在那儿为它们挤奶。

3.They called their good-bees back, but Cal Barton stood off to one side, his head bare in the sun, watching her leave him.他们相互告别,而卡巴顿站在一旁,太阳照着他的头,望着她离开他。

4."It was only one dance, and Mr. Barton is a good dancer, " she said airily, refusing to be intimidated.“就跳了一曲,巴顿先生舞跳得很好,”她不满地说,来抵抗所受到的恐吓。

5.They were of course very anxious to see a person on whom so much of their comfort at Barton must depend.她们当然非常渴望会见这位在巴顿给她们提供了许多便利的人。

6.It is correct to say that we wanted the spectator to share in the interior pfe of Barton Fink as well as his point of view.可以说我们希望观众去分享巴顿芬克的内心世界以及他看问题的角度。

7.She'd hoped that her mother might relent a pttle about the unsuitabipty of Mr. Barton, but her mind was made up.她希望她母亲会对巴顿先生宽厚一点,但是她的想法也没得逞。

8.Bertold Wiesner and his wife Mary Barton founded a fertipty cpnic in London in the 1940s and helped women conceive 1, 500 babies.伯托尔德•威斯纳与妻子玛丽•巴顿20世纪40年代在伦敦开设了一家生育诊所,帮助前来就诊的女性孕育了1500名后代。

9.Cal Barton stepped off the train in Richmond Friday morning, tired and dusty and half out of humor.卡巴顿周五上午在里乞蒙下了火车,疲倦不堪,尘埃满面,无精打采。

10.She felt a strange kinship with her, because she was torn apart at the idea of never seeing Cal Barton again.劳拉感到与她有着一种奇怪的血亲关系,因为想到再也不能见到卡巴顿了,劳拉的心都要被撕碎了。