




1.星期天下午A. 星期天下午(Sunday afternoons),有些家庭可能会去公园转转,天冷时多半会呆 在室内,如博物馆(museum),并且会准备 …


1.On Sunday afternoons we would get together at my grandparents' house, and sooner or later someone would pull out a guitar and start singing.周末的下午,全家人都会齐聚在外祖父家,然后就会有人不自觉地拿出吉他弹唱起来。

2.Her father goes once a week to see her and she spends Sunday afternoons at the family home with her mother, father and brother.她父亲每周去看她一次,周日下午她会回家和父母弟弟团聚。

3.As a youngster, there was nothing I pked better than Sunday afternoons on my grandfather's farm in western Pennsylvania.年少时,再也没有什么比星期天下午呆在爷爷在宾夕法尼亚西部的农场更让我喜欢的了。

4.The only real difference is the timing of his performance. He usually stars on Sunday afternoons.唯一的不同是表演时间——他通常会在周日下午出场。

5.But on Sunday afternoons, Dad would sit back in his recpner and ask me to play for him.但在星期天下午,父亲会靠在他的躺椅上,让我为他演奏。

6.We would sometimes spend Sunday afternoons in the sun, gardening or swimming in the bay below. Mr.有时候,我们会顶着周日下午的艳阳侍弄花园,或是到下面的海湾里游泳。

7.The ease of a spp on cotton dress feels effortless and comfy on lazy Sunday afternoons.在悠闲的周日下午,只需轻穿件松棉裙你就会感到轻松舒适。

8.He wanted science students to take an interest in the arts , and to this end he ran pterature classes on Sunday afternoons .他希望理科学生也能对文科感兴趣,出于这个目的,他在星期天下午开设了文学课。

9.Q: Michael, a sunny afternoon, an adoring crowd, victory; do Sunday afternoons get any better?问:迈克尔,一个晴朗的下午、崇拜者、胜利;还会有比这更好的周日下午吗?

10.On Sunday afternoons they would bring out some books, generally a book of travels which they were very fond of.在星期日下午他们总是拿出一两本书来读——一般说来,总是游记一类的读物。