




1.给你打电话我们一起鄙视了纽约人,说纽约人管热(hot),发音发成“霍特”,给你打电话call you)发成“阔油”。反正那些令我刚从俄亥 …

2.一墙之隔要靠油一墙之隔要靠油call you),咫尺之遥要爱媚(IM/Instant message),同床共枕还要各抱一个爱怕的(Ipad)。长此以往, …


1.If I knew it would be the last time that I see you walk out the door, I would give you a hug and kiss and call you back for one more.如果我知道这是我最后一次,我会抽出一两分钟的时间停下来,对你说我爱你。你知道的我一定会说,而不是再那儿装模作样。

2.We're getting together next weekend. I'll call you to let you know all the details.我们下个周末聚会。我会打电话告诉你详情。

3.Joey: . . . ah, what're you doing here? I've been trying to call you.啊,你在这里干吗呢?我还在给你打电话呢。

4.Amy is not at home. I'll ask her to call you back.艾米不在家。我会让她给你回电话的。

5.When that work is all completed, He will gently call you Home; Oh , the rapture of that meeting, Oh, the joy to see you come !当应做的工已完成他会轻轻地唤你归回哦,这欢天喜地的聚会只因喜乐地看到你回归!

6.I would hesitate to call you anything but Mr. Buchwald. Isn't it rather disrespectful to make a nickname out of the family name?除了布奇华先生之外,我不好直呼其他名字,替别人另外取绰号,不是很不礼貌吗?

7.What's the matter? I've been trying to call you.有什么事情?我一直在给你打电话。

8.We tried several times to call you and email, but they did not receive your response!我们尝试多次给你打电话和发邮件,但都没有得到你回应!

9.Paul: That's cool. But let me know if you want me to call you in the middle of your date.保罗:那太棒了。不过,如果要我在你约会进行中打电话给你,就跟我说一声吧。

10.Please wait here. The doctor will call you when he is ready to see you. I will leave now.请在这儿稍等。到你的时候医生会叫你,我先走了。