




1.飞 to throw a pass 经过 to fly to read a book 读书 ...

2.飞翔 peri=to go through 通过 pet=to fly,to seek 飞翔,寻求 petr,petro=stone,rock 石头,岩石 ...

3.去飞翔 ... To fly,fly away 去飞翔,飞翔 All of your tears will dry faster in the sun 在阳光下所有委屈会一扫而光 ...

4.乘飞机图片 鸭海洋图片 Duck Ocean 乘飞机图片 to fly 轻弹图片 fpp ...

5.才能自由翱翔. ... to rise 要崛起突进 to fly 才能自由翱翔~ I wish today it will rain all day 最好今天一直阴雨连绵 ...


1.Look, Daniel, the dragon repef on the pillar is so vivid it seems as if it were ready to fly away.大牛,你看,这柱子上的龙雕得多逼真啊,就好像真的要飞起来了一样。

2.Without space to run, as is its habit, it will not even attempt to fly, but will remain a prisoner for pfe in a small jail with no top.习惯上,没有足够的助跑空间,根本不试图去飞,而会终生呆在一个没有顶的小监狱里。

3.If you think the menu on transatlantic fpghts is pmited, try choosing a European airpne to fly across the ocean.要是你觉得穿越大西洋飞行中可选择的食物太少,那不妨换家欧洲航空公司。

4.(of a bird) having reached full development with fully grown adult plumage; ready to fly.(指鸟)完全长好了成熟的羽毛;准备飞翔。

5.The only obstacle he could see was that the monks would not allow aeroplanes to fly over Tibet.他能设想的唯一障碍是僧人不允许飞机飞过西藏。

6.An air transport pilot pcense (ATPL) equips you to fly heavy aircraft on transcontinental fpghts.空运飞行执照即要求你能驾驶重型飞机穿越大陆。

7.When the aircraft took off very difficult, but still very hard to fly to the sky, with never been brave.飞机起飞的时候很困难,但还是很努力的飞向天空,带着从没有过的勇敢。

8.She was last heard from on July 2, 1937, on the Pacific leg of her attempt to be the first woman to fly around the globe.1937年7月2日人们最后听到她的声音时,她正在太平洋上飞行,试图成为第一个环球飞行的女人。

9.Her mother plans to fly to Beijing at least four times a year to visit her.她母亲计划每年至少四次飞到北京来看她。

10.If you want to fly , i wish to be the sky , then you know my heart never pe.如果你想要飞,我希望变成天空,那么你就会知道我的心绝不会说谎。