

super bowl

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1.(美国)超级碗橄榄球赛an American football game played every year to decide the winner of the National Football League


un.1.a service mark for the championship game of the National Football League, played each year between the champions of the National Football Conference and the American Football Conference

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1.So this may be a bit of a subdued Super Bowl this year, maybe because of the teams playing, certainly because of the tough economic cpmate.所以今年的超级碗可能不太喧嚣,或许是因为比赛的球队,但肯定是因为恶劣的经济气候。

2.My friends sprayed me with champagne, as if I'd won the Super Bowl.朋友向我身上喷洒香槟酒,像是我赢得美国橄榄球超级杯大赛(SuperBowl)。

3.The Super Bowl itself is an example of how much has changed in the advertising industry, says Iezzi.耶齐说,超级碗本身就印证了广告产业所发生的巨大变化。

4.I mean, even when he proposes now, he is always going to be that guy who was meant to do it during the Super Bowl.我意思是说,就算他现在再次求婚,他永远也是那个在SuperBowl用低劣手法去干此等事情的家伙。

5.I'm just as good right now as he was at this point. But he won a Super Bowl; that's what made him great.虽然我现在的表现和他巅峰时一样好,可他赢了超级碗,那才是使他伟大的原因。

6.White, the octogenarian star of a popular Super Bowl commercial, was the top choice of a dinner date for most of the centenarians.怀特,这位超级碗广告的老年明星,是大多数百岁老人的最佳晚餐对象。

7.As always, the Super Bowl is going to be the biggest U. S. television event of the year, and they're preparing for it as such .和往常一样,超级碗将成为美国电视一年中最大的盛会,他们也要像这样来准备。

8.He enjoys competitive sports, so get him tickets to the next Super Bowl game. Won the lottery? Buy him a Harley Davidson motorcycle.他享受竞争的运动,因此对下一个超级杯决赛游戏拿票给他。

9.For rabid fans of the New York Giants and New England Patriots, this Sunday's Super Bowl won't be just a game.对于纽约巨人队和新英格兰爱国者的狂热球迷来说。

10.Muptalo, 32, was one of a handful of players remaining from the Ravens'Super Bowl championship squad of 2000.32岁的马利塔洛是帮助乌鸦队摘得2000赛季超级碗桂冠的阵容中少数依然留队的成员之一。