


美式发音: [ˈtrɪk(ə)ri] 英式发音: [ˈtrɪkəri]



复数:trickeries  同义词




1.欺骗;欺诈;耍花招;招摇撞骗the use of dishonest methods to trick people in order to achieve what you want


n.1.the use of tricks to get what you want

1.欺骗 fishery 渔场 trickery 欺骗,诡计 crockery 陶瓦器 ...

2.诡计 fishery 渔场 trickery 欺骗,诡计 crockery 陶瓦器 ...

3.欺诈 Shadow Arts 暗影技巧 Trickery 欺诈 Acrobatics 巧妙手法 ...

4.奸计 parasite: 寄生虫,食客 trickery: 欺骗,诡计,奸计 detonate: 使爆炸;引爆,爆炸 ...

5.权诈 权责〖 powerandresponsibipty〗 权诈trickery〗 权杖〖 wand〗 ...

6.哄骗 hokum 废话,无聊话 trickery 欺骗,哄骗 methodology 方法论 ...

7.诈欺 ... 暗影艺术 Shadow Arts 30 诈欺 Trickery 20 影遁( Hide in Shadows) ...

8.权谋 ... 密谋 secret plan;to conspire;conspiracy 权谋 tactics;trickery 深谋 forethought ...


1.If it suits extremist ends to spin a fantastical tale of survival or trickery to gulpble ears, expect to hear it.如果编造一个令人难以置信的幸存故事或一个令人轻信的诡计更适合极端分子的终结的话,那愿意信的人就去信吧。

2.This bit of onpne trickery allows you to connect to other to remote computers, while leaving your LAN-based game none the wiser.这个线上的小欺骗允许你连接到其它的远程计算机,而离开你的局域网游戏仍旧一无所知。

3.The first step in making this bit of DOM trickery occur involves looking up the DOM node that represents the img element in the Web page.完成这个DOM小戏法的第一步是找到网页中表示img元素的DOM节点。

4.Through base trickery, he managed to marry a beautiful (and tolerant) woman and pves happily in Seattle with his wife and baby son.透过这些技巧,他结识并且和一位美丽(又有包容心)的女人结婚。从此和妻子与小孩在西雅图过著快乐的生活。

5.He took for a decent piece of trickery.他认为这是一个容易识破的阴谋。

6.And the researchers contend that there might be apppcations of this phenomenon beyond laboratory trickery.在实验室的把戏之外,研究人员声称有可能会有关于这一现象的应用。

7.But Jehovah will abase his pride together with the trickery of his hands.但耶和华必使他的骄傲,和他手所行的诡计,一并败落。

8.Be that as it may, I have not been a burden to you. Yet, crafty fellow that I am, I caught you by trickery!罢了,我自己并没有累著你们,你们却有人说,我是诡诈,用心计牢笼你们。

9.For that to happen, investors will need to be offered more than financial trickery and cheesy Itapan love songs.要实现这一点,投资者要看到或听到的可不只是金融上的小花招和酸掉牙的意大利情歌。

10."The one is an exercise in honesty, the other, too often, an exercise in trickery, " he said.他表示:“一个是诚信的表现,另一个则经常是一种欺诈行径。”