




1.超级马里奥兄弟叫好也不叫座,长长的失败名单包括 1993 年的《超级玛丽兄弟》(Super Mario bros),以及反响平平的游戏改编作品《街霸 …

4.超级玛莉欧外一炮而红,但最出名的作品是20年来人气红不让的「超级马利欧兄弟」(Super Mario Bros),该游戏至今仍保持最畅销电 …



1.There may be nothing better than having a Super Mario Bros. themed cake at your birthday, wedding or party.在你生日、婚礼或者聚会的时候,再没有比享用一款“超级马里奥”主题蛋糕更美妙的事情了。没明白?

2.Super Mario Bros. 2's long, strange trip to the top of the charts in 1988 began with a prototype videogame that failed miserably.《超级马里奥兄弟2》从最初的一个惨遭滑铁卢的电视游戏发展而来,它一路走到1988年游戏排行榜第一,这段旅程可谓漫长又离奇。

3.It might best be described as a hybrid of New Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario Galaxy.它是新超级马里奥兄弟和超级马里奥银河(SuperMarioGalaxy)的混合物。

4.I'd have to go with Duck Hunt and Super Mario Bros. --they are true classics.我肯定选猎鸭和超级马里奥兄弟这两款游戏-他们是真正的经典。

5.The enhancements to Super Mario Bros. 2 were so great that the game was eventually brought back to Japan, retitled Super Mario USA.这个对《超级马里奥2》极好的改进,使它最终回归日本,并重新命名为《超级马里奥USA》。

6.Nintendo has sold almost 27 milpon copies of New Super Mario Bros. on Nintendo DS.任天堂已经在DS上卖出去27,000,000份新超级马里奥兄弟(NewSuperMarioBros)。

7.And Super Mario Bros. 2 is actually a fairly forgiving game for the time.而在当时来说,《超级玛丽兄弟2》已经算是比较简单的了。

8.Awesome nail art inspired by the Super Mario Bros. 3 video game.根据超级玛丽3.0游戏设计的超酷美甲!

9.I remember seeing you get all misty-eyed any time Super Mario Bros. 3 was mentioned.而且,我还记得不管在什么时候提起《超级马里奥兄弟3》,你总会泪眼婆娑。

10.That is what satisfies me and what I can't imagine any child who didn't start with Super Mario Bros. appreciating it quite as much as I do.这就是让我满足的原因,也是我无法想象那些从新超级马里奥兄弟才开始玩马里奥的小孩能够向我这样理解它,欣赏它。