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1.七点三十分 七渡口 Qidukou 七点三十分 seven-thirty 七烯族 heptaenes ...


1.You can only go home with your lonely figure to have instant noodle at seven thirty. Why Friday moonpght is always so bleak?七点三十分,你只好拖着寂寞的身影回家吃即食面。为什么星期五晚的月光总是特别凄凉?

2.We plan to have a bridal shower at my home next Friday night at seven thirty. Would you be able to join us?我们计画下星期五晚上七点半在我家举行「准新娘礼物会」你能参加吗?

3.James: I know but I can sleep till seven-thirty if I don't take a shower.我知道,但是,如果我不洗澡的话,我可以睡到七点半。

4.If I leave home at seven thirty, will I arrive on time at the party? No, you won't.如果我七点半从家走,我会按时到达晚会现场吗?

5.A: Will the film start at seven thirty? I'll be right with you.那部电影是不是七点半开始?我就到。

6.Man: Of course. My watch says seven thirty.男士:当然。我的表现在是七点三十分。

7.I shall await you at seven-thirty or thereabouts.我将在7:30分左右等着你。

8.Certainly. Let me write that down. . . seven thirty. . . Here's your room key. You're in 718.好的。让我把这个写下来…七点半…这是你的房间钥匙,你在718房。

9.But I have to be at airport to check in by seven thirty.但是我必须在七点半赶到飞机场办理登机手续。

10.Seven thirty. Would you please set us in a private room?七点半。能给我们安排雅间吗?