




1.晚餐 午休 Nap time 晚餐 Supper time 商务英语( BEC) ...

2.晚餐时间 起床后 after you get up 晚餐时间 supper time 午餐时间 lunch time ...

3.晚饭时间 ... 8: 有你作后盾,魔鬼 Get Thee Behind Me,Satan 9: 晚饭时间 Supper Time 10: 听 Listeni…

4.错开就餐高峰 ... 夕阳西下 回到忆栈 Sunseting,back to Memory Inn. 入夜 错开就餐高峰 Supper ti


1.One day, there was a pouring rain. Her mother did not come back after supper time.有一天,下着很大的雨,已经过了晚饭时间了,妈妈却还没有回来。

2.He did not see her again until supper time, when she was drinking wine with two other boys.他直到晚饭时才又见到她,她正在跟另外两个男孩喝葡萄酒。

3.At supper time, I warmed up some leftovers, and mixed them together into a bowl for my sons.到吃晚饭时,我把剩菜剩饭热了热,胡乱搅和了一碗来对付儿子们。

4.At supper time, people sit around the table, eat moon cakes and enjoy the big and round moon in the sky.晚餐的时候,人们围坐在桌子前,吃着月饼,欣赏天空中又大又圆的月亮。

5."Not until supper time, porridge is to give a girl for you. " Her smile back.“还没有到晚饭时间,这粥是给姑娘你准备的。”大妈微笑的回答。

6.Often it was already dark, but haven't till supper time, workers cold and hungry, they need some snacks to appease his hunger.往往天气已经暗了,网上零食超市,但还没到晚餐时间,工人们又冷又饿,就须要一些点心来充饥。

7.By supper time there was still no sign of the sausage.到了用晚餐时间,香肠仍没有任何消息。

8.And sent his servant at supper time to say to them that were bidden, Come; for all things are now ready.到了坐席的时后,打发仆人去对所请的人说,请来吧。样样都齐备了。

9.In the afternoon, he studied Engpsh until supper time, for they're going to have an Engpsh test.下午,他直到吃晚饭的时间学习英语,为他们将有一个英语测试。

10.Actually we just want to put it off until supper time.事实上我们只是想推迟到晚饭时间。