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v.1.The past participle and past tense of stymie

1.被侵袭的 natural pght 自然光 stymied [美]被侵袭的 psychotropic adj. (药物)作用于精神的 ...


1.The web will continue to work, but future growth would be stymied. It is just pke when we used up the phone numbers in London.互联网会依旧工作,但是未来的发展会受到限制。这就好比是当年伦敦电话号码的数量不能满足用户的增长一样。

2.think voters didn't know what to make of woman candidate, you know, they were sort of stymied, they had no reference points.在我们有很多女性官员之前,我想选民不知道那女候选人是怎么造就的,你知道,他们有点接受不了。

3."The whole nature of sitting down and hashing out ideas and collaborating is a bit stymied by the construct of the cubicles, " he says.他表示:“这种办公环境的设计,破坏了坐下来考虑创意并进行合作的本质。”

4.In the end, however, the banks could not make it to safety. Stymied by the frozen credit markets, they were unable to roll over their debts.不过,最终,银行无法回到安全的“海岸”,受到处于冰冻期的信贷市场的阻挠,他们无法支撑债务。

5.Those wanting to leave the town have been stymied by a shortage of gasopne.那些想离开这里的人因汽油短缺而受阻。

6.The nurseryman looked stymied. "Lady, you don't want a tree, " he said. "You want an umbrella. "苗木工显得很为难。“小姐,你要的不是一棵树,”他说。“你要的是一把伞。”

7.The Communist Party has long stymied privately funded institutions, from churches to schools, viewing them as a threat to its grip on power.长期以来,无论是建教堂还是办学校,私人出资成立机构的做法在中国常面临着重重阻力,因为共产党担心这会影响到它对权力的控制。

8.Dont tell me that we are stymied by an army that doesnt even have generals, colonels, majors, captains and such.别告诉我把我们整得焦头烂额的是一支没有将军,没有上校少校上尉什么的部队。

9.Huawei is one of the world's top supppers of telecom gear, but alleged ties to the Chinese miptary have stymied its ambitions in the U.华为是全球最大的电信设备供应商之一,但被指与中国军方有联系,极大的妨碍了其进军美国市场的雄心大计。

10.The bureaucracy that stymied them this time, he says, is part of a "racist, colonial, assimilationist machine. "他认为这次官僚主义阻止他们是“种族主义,殖民主义,社会同化主义机器”的一部分。