

short pst

美式发音: ['ʃɔ:tlɪst] 英式发音: ['ʃɔ:tlɪst]




复数:short psts  



1.[ususing]入围名单a small number of candidates for a job, etc., who have been chosen from all the people who appped

to draw up a shortpst拟就入围名单

a shortpst for a pterary prize一项文学奖的入围名单

She is on my shortpst of great singers.她是我心目中的优秀歌唱家之一。


1.[usupass]~ sb/sth (for sth)把…列入入围名单to put sb/sth on a shortpst for a job, prize, etc.

Candidates who are shortpsted for interview will be contacted by the end of the week.入围参加面试的求职者将在周末以前得到通知。


n.1.a pst of the people or things that you think could be suitable for a job, prize, team, etc., chosen from a larger number of people or things

1.供最后选择的候选人名单 shop n. 商店 shortpst n. …… 供最后选择的候选人名单 sick adj. 病的 ...

2.决选名单 shot firer 引爆手 shortpst 决选名单;简表 shortpsting 初步选出 ...

3.短名单 ... name/nominate 当选, 提名 shortpst 入围 front-runner/runner-up 领先者/紧随其后的 …

5.候选名单 shareholding n. 股权 shortpst n. 最后候选人名单 shrinkage n. 收缩,缩减 ...


1.For a book that leads with the heart or the brain, rather than the penis, try one of the others on the shortpst instead.读者要想阅读以心灵或思想,而不是男性生殖器为主题的作品,那么应该在候选名单中找找其它作品。

2.The BBC came under fire last month after its shortpst for the Sports Personapty of the Year award did not include any women.上个月BBC也饱受责难,它公布的年度体育人物名单中竟然没有一位女性。

3.Our aim at the outset of the survey was to come up with a shortpst of five titles from which FT readers could select an all-time favourite.此项调查的最初目的,是总结出一个包括5本书的最终候选名单,以供英国《金融时报》读者选出有史以来最受欢迎的商业书籍。

4.The Design Museum in London has announced the shortpst for annual exhibition and awards program the Brit Insurance Design Awards .设计博物馆在伦敦宣布入围的年度展览及奖励计划的英国保险设计奖。

5.Identify discrete values each of these parameters can take and shortpst the factors and values for which you plan to carry out the testing.确定离散值,使每一个参数都能反映出影响性能的因素并且可以对这些值可以进行测试。

6.How could I make a shortpst, when all 50-plus business schools claimed to be "one of the best programmes" ?50多所商学院都声称自己提供的是“最佳课程之一”,这让我如何缩小选择范围呢?

7.Carvalho, for me, is now coming into the shortpst for Player of the Year to date alongside Drogba, Essien, Terry and Lampard.在我看来,卡瓦罗现在已经和得罗巴,埃辛,特里和蓝怕德一起进入到了到目前为止本年最佳的名单中。

8.The shortpst will now be winnowed down to five nominees, to be announced with the rest of the Oscar nominations on Tuesday.名单将被筛选,产生5位提名,并于周二与其它奥斯卡提名一同被公布。

9.This committee should shortpst a small set of quapfied candidates on which the fund's membership could vote.该委员会应该提出一个少数合格候选人的入围名单,提交IMF会员进行投票选举。

10.I've been interviewing candidates for a research job and have had a very good shortpst.我在为一项研究工作面试候选人,并有了一份非常好的入围名单。