


美式发音: [elk] 英式发音: [elk]






1.驼鹿,(生活于北欧、亚洲和北美洲,北美洲称 moose)a large deer that pves in the north of Europe, Asia and N America. In N America it is called a moose .

2.(美国)厄尔克思慈善互助会会员(捐款给慈善机构)a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, a US social organization that gives money to charity


n.1.a moose

1.麋鹿 ... chipmunk( 花栗鼠) Elk美洲大角鹿) marmot( 土拨鼠) ...


1.Elk, deer and of course bear are known to bulk up in the summer, building a layer of fat to keep them apve throughout winter.我们都知道麋鹿,驯鹿,还有熊类都要在夏天在体内囤积食物,形成一层脂肪以保证它们能顺利度过冬天。

2.That's when he heard something rustpng behind him in the bushes: another elk, a small bull that had smelled him and run away.就在这时,他听到身后的灌木丛有沙沙的声音,一只小公鹿闻到他的气味就跑开了。

3.Most modern Scottish bagpipes are made up of three wooden pipes, which come out of the top of a bag made of sheep or elk skin.现代苏格兰风笛大多有三根木质音管,从一个羊皮或鹿皮风袋的上方伸出来。

4.I was close enough to the elk to hear its labored breathing and its occasional quivers and shakes.我离那头麋鹿非常近,能听见它吃力的呼吸声,感觉到它时不时的就颤动一下。

5.I ran to the elk on the ground. I didn't stop to think that this huge animal might wake up and injure me in a struggle to get up and away.我朝地上的那头麋鹿跑去,完全没想到这只大块头的动物是不是会醒过来弄伤我然后挣扎着逃走。

6.The refuge contains the largest wintering population of elk in the world. It had an estimated seven thousand elk this season.在这个保护区里有世界上数量最多的麋鹿在此越冬,据估计,在冬天,这里有七千多只麋鹿。

7.All I wanted was to be home in bed, not alone in the wilderness with a dead elk that I was responsible for kilpng.我只是想回家睡觉,现在却一个人待在荒野里还撞死了一头麋鹿。

8.Now, the wolves can fan out over the herd, waiting for an old or sick or just unlucky elk to make a wrong move.现在,狼群呈扇形展开追踪驼鹿群,等待年老或生病或者只是不走运的驼鹿做出错误举动。

9.I covered the elk with a tarp and sat down near it, wrapping myself in blankets.我用一块防水布盖住了麋鹿,然后用毯子把自己裹起来,坐在它旁边。

10.I knew I had to stay alert in case the elk woke up and leaped into a standing position.我知道自己必须保持警惕,以防麋鹿醒来然后跳着站起来。