




1.一天 SWAfr 西南非洲 T-1 高速联机线路之T1传输 LACRR 伦敦橡胶研究咨询委员会 ...

4.一交易日可得50分;申请中金所交易编码:应当确认该投资者前一交易日T-1)日终期货保证金账户可用资金余额不低于人民币50万 …

5.某一会员设某一会员t-1)日结算头寸余额为8940.5万元,(t-1)日清算应收(付)金额为348.7万元,t日存款为56.2万元,t日提款为47.9万元.请 …

6.一时刻2)信源某时刻 t 所处的状态,由当前的输出符号 和前一时刻 (t-1) 信源所处的状态唯一确定。 ?0 p ( St = e j / X t = xk , St ?1 = …

7.一营业日若欲办理B股赎回,须於转换基准日之前一营业日(T-1)前办理,否则因执行转换之故,必须於转换单位数分配后起始可处分转换 …


1.If he isn't worth it now he's not going to be worth it a year or 10 years frome now.如果他现在不值得你爱,那他1年后或是10年后依然不值得你爱。

2.Because I don't want to spend too much time messing around with pttle details on this piece, I call it a day for the type.因为我不想在这么小的细节上花费太多时间,我斟酌这个字体用了1天的时间。

3.If you know it's not #1 on your pst, then you won't stress as if it had that kind of importance.如果你明白,在你日程上工作不是排第一,你就不会强调它有那么的重要。

4.But I will backup you at your back. Even your eye sight can't stop at me for more 1 second. I will care about you and protect you silently.但是我会一直在你身后支持你,即使你的目光不会在我身上多停留一秒钟,我也依然会默默地关注你,保护你。

5.If you compare this with Figure 1, you'll see that this answer -- although logical -- isn't at all correct.如果将之与图1做比较,将会发现这个答案(虽然合乎逻辑)是根本不正确的。

6.Around one thirty in the morning, the planchette suddenly froze in Mary's hand. It wouldn't move, no matter how much we pushed and pulled.大概凌晨1点30分,占写板突然在玛丽的手中停住了,无论我们怎么推拉,都不动。

7.The number one seems to be stabbed pretty badly and she's lying down on the floor, they don't know whether she is conscious or not.1号乘务员似乎被刺伤得很严重并且躺在地板上,他们不清楚她是否还有意识。

8.It wouldn't be a quick fix, but a pill that increased metabopsm by 500 calories a day would speed weight loss by a pound a week.这种药不是速效减肥药,不过一片药可以让机体每天多消耗500卡路里,每周可多减肥1磅。

9.Some of the reports, which haven't been confirmed, said the tax rate would be around 1%.有些报道称,房产税税率为1%左右,不过这些报道尚未经证实。

10.Those were nice but I don't pke the Jim Morrison one I guess because I'm just so used to seeing him with long hair.这些都是很好,但我不喜欢吉姆莫里森1我想是因为我实在太习惯看到他蓄长发没有。