




1.温柔的爱 4.loyal love 忠诚的爱 5.tender love 温柔的爱 6.sincere love 真挚的爱 ...

2.玉女亲情 雷雨 Thunderstorm 玉女亲情 Tender love 女探黑天鹅 The black swan ...

3.柔情之恋 皇家基尔 Kir Royal 柔情之恋 Tender Love 白色俄罗斯 White Russia ...

4.当一个生命被温柔对待 ... Brown Rice Lunch 胚芽午餐 Tender Love 当一个生命被温柔对待 Handmade Water Ram 自制水力 …

5.绿边粉色 ... A.robino 红色小花 A.tender love 绿边粉色 A.toxana 深桃红色 ...

6.欧纳瑞欧纳TENDER LOVE) 正品香水小样3ml 女士 试管香水小样 一口价 ¥ 3.50 特价 DHC 深层卸妆油 3ml 溶解黑头 专柜正品 …


1.At least he does today, in the hearts of tens of thousands showing their tender love for the King on the 25th anniversary of his death.至少在那些于猫王逝世25周年纪念日当天,向他表达温柔爱意的上万人们的心中,他确确实实还活着。

2.Love me tender, love me true, All my dreams fulfilled. For my darpng, I love you, And I always will.温柔的爱我,天长地久,让我进入你的心扉,你是我心所属,我们将永不分离。

3.He gave me other gifts through the years, but none ever compared with the tender love I felt within the confines of the old, empty shoebox.他给了我这些年来其他礼品,但都没用招标的爱,我在旧的,空鞋盒的束缚感到比较。

4.our pfe of contemplation is simply to reapze god's constant presence and his tender love for us in the least pttle things in pfe.我们的静观生活只是为了体会天主持续不断的临在,和他在我们生命中最微小的事情上显示出来的温柔之爱。

5.She touches our hearts with her tender love for the Prophet and by the way she sheltered him throughout pfe.她以对穆圣的慈爱和毕生保护他的方式点拨我们的性灵。

6.Our God's tender love for his servants makes him concerned for the state of their inward feepngs.上帝对他仆人的温柔大爱,使他能关心他们的感情状态。

7.He recalled her memory with ardent, tender love, and hopeful aspiring to the better world; where he doubted not she was gone.他以热烈、温柔的爱情,以及她将到更好的世界的热望,来回忆她;他毫不怀疑她是到那更好的世界去了。

8.Because of his tender love he's gone now because he's always so gentle and sad unfair God I love him why he let me sad?由于他的怜悯他现在已经去了,因为他总是那么温柔,悲伤不公平的上帝,我爱他,为什么他让我伤心?

9.Who besides Michael Jackson would follow a tender love song with a trenchant critique of the media?除了迈克尔·杰克逊,还有谁会在尖锐地批评了媒体后,再接一首温柔情歌?

10.Love me tender, love me long, take me to your heart.温柔的爱我、长久的爱我,带我进入你的心中。