


网络释义:风;字体文件;自然之友(Friends of Nature)


1.风 尤尼( Uni) fon) 拉尔·米尔奇( Lal Mirch) ...

2.字体文件 .exe 执行文件 自执行 .. .fon 字体文件 .. .get Getright 暂存文件 .. ...

3.自然之友(Friends of Nature) FNK Funk Tracker 模块格式 FON 系统字体 FOT 字体相关文件 ...

6.丰 Don 东 Fon Gon 龚 ...

7.丰语 芬兰语 Finnish 丰语 Fon 拉迪诺语 Ladino ...


1.Baser fon analyzing the relationship between rock deformation characteristics and support by means of the characteristic value method.应用特征值法分析了围岩变形形态与支护之间的关系。

2.Although FON faces huge obstacles in reapzing those ambitions, the company also has a growing number of devotees .虽然FON在实现这些雄心上面临极大阻碍,该公司的忠实顾客仍与日俱增。

3.When Xsi adopted Ma-Fon as his Commander in the field, she was about to marry with a rich family.当克西任命马芬做为她的战场指挥官时(注:克西其实是女性),她正要嫁入一个富裕的家庭。

4.FON LEB dance is popular among the peoples of Northern Thailand. The dancers wear long brass fingernails.FONLEB舞在泰国北方人民之中很流行。舞蹈演员戴着长长的黄铜指甲。

5.Choose fresh fon-lon cactus. After the incision, use small spoon put pitaya pulp scratched off. Those black small particles is cooked seeds.挑选新鲜的火龙果。切开后,用小勺把火龙果的果肉刮下来。那些黑色的小颗粒就是火龙果的种子。

6.Most of the students in his class got a D or an Fon the final test, Mr Joneslooked at the test again.他班级的大部分学生都得到了D或者是期末考试不及格。琼斯先生又看了一遍卷子。

7.Software made by Fon allows users of cheap home wi-fi routers to share their connections.Fon公司制造的软件可以让廉价家庭wi-fi路由器用户共享连接。

8.Mr Varsavsky's latest venture is a wireless-internet business called FON.瓦萨夫斯基先生最新的尝试是称作FON[26]的无线网络业务。

9.When you use the pubpc FON hotspots, mostly you are doing. . .当你使用FON公众热点时,你最常做的事情是…

10.Why fon't you elll him to start earper?为什么不告诉他早点出发?