




1.刃扒房the right 在电视上 on TV 下巴上的伤口 (the cut) on 2 河西中心 河西中心小学六年级词汇总复习 自己独立的 on your own 从 8 ...

3.解剖学教室 Stypng Trick 造型诀窍 The Cut 发型 Why 理由 ...

5.剪裁励明星有创意,但拉链不能随便摆。」「纽约杂志」的「剪裁」(The Cut)专栏炮轰说﹕「这样反穿并无创意,反而很驴。 …

6.华彬费尔蒙酒店刃扒房 ... 9. 装瓶( bottpng) 5. 酒心( the cut) 6. 注入木桶( filpng into casks) ...


1.For a simple cut, it is only necessary to wash the area of the cut, dry it and cover it with a piece of dry clean cloth.对于简单的伤口,只需要将刀伤的部位冲洗一下,弄干,然后盖上一块清洁的干布就行了。

2.The point about VAT, as we have said all along, is that [the cut] will run for a year, so it is too early to judge the effect it has had.正如我们一直以来所说的那样,削减附加税的政策将会持续一年,所以现在就判断其利弊还为时尚早。

3.The increase reclaimed the cut made a year ago when the bank lowered the rate to 4. 5%.一年前该银行将其利率降到了4.5%,本次升息弥补了上次的削减。

4.Roll the cut up pieces of chicken in the sauce. Put, skin side down, in a baking pan and pour the rest of the sauce over.将鸡肉逐块在锅里滚动以裹上调料,带皮的一面朝下放在烤盘,将剩余调料淋在面上。

5.The biggest grosser of 2008, "The Dark Knight, " was one of the better Batman adventures, but it didn't make the cut.2008年最卖座的电影---《黑暗骑士》,就是蝙蝠侠系列中较卖座的一部,但是并没有被PK掉。

6.The whole exhibition hall with a few paper-cut pke a paste made of sun through the "cut off" the gap shines into the hall.整座展馆像用几张剪纸粘贴而成,阳光透过“剪掉”的缝隙照进大厅。

7.The cut surface of a schwannoma is similar to that of many mesenchymal neoplasms, with a "fish flesh" soft tan appearance.神经鞘瘤切面和许多间叶细胞肿瘤相似,具有鱼肉状、质地软、棕褐色外观。

8.The 'cut-throat' way of breaking the news: 'Daddy's gone and he's not coming back, ' tends to be more traumatic.这种‘割喉式’的揭露消息的方法:‘爸爸走了,他不会回来了’很有可能带来更多外伤。

9.Next, a small pipe is put into the cut. A machine pke a vacuum cleaner is then turned on, and the fat is sucked right out of the body.然后,一根小管子插进伤口后,打开类似真空吸尘器一样的机器,这样脂肪就被吸出身体了。

10.it seemed as if all the bare trees, the bushes, the cut brush and all the grass and the bare ground had been varnished with ice.好像所有的秃树、灌木、砍过的树丛,所有的草和光秃秃的地面,全都罩上了一层冰。