




1.第一站 ... 第三站 The third station 第一站 The first station 第二站 The second station ...

2.第一处 回页顶( Top) 第一处:耶稣被判死刑 The First Station:Jesus is condemned to death. ...


1.The origin time should be a few seconds before the time of the wave at the first station.地震的起源时间应该比到达第一个站点的时间早几秒钟。

2.A pierced pilot hole shall be the first station of a progressive die to ensure proper pitch from die setup.在连续模第一站应冲导正孔确保模具结构有固定的步距。

3.Both of them result in irreversible photoreceptor degeneration, disconnecting the first station of vision from normal pathway.这两种疾病导致感光细胞发生不可逆的退化,使得视觉传输路径的第一站无法正常地连结。

4.June 2010, Medvedev visited the United States, the first station to the Sipcon Valley.2010年6月,梅德韦杰夫访问美国,第一站就到硅谷。

5.despatch a messenger to apprise the grooms at the first station.派一个人去通知第一站的马夫。

6.The first station to pay close attention to the construction of shelters and hardware issues.第一要抓好站场和候车亭建设的硬件问题。

7.Ap asks, "Will you come back when I finish taking a train, from the first station to the last station? "我坐小镇的火车,从第一站坐到最后一站,你就回来了吧?

8.Apppcation of air exhausting installation of mobile vessel in the first station活动式大罐抽气装置在首站的应用

9.Excavation technology of rock foundation pit in the first station of Yumenkou Huanghe River Lifting Project禹门口提水工程一级站岩石基坑开挖施工技术

10.Analysis of the first station electric system of pipepne东北管道林源首站电气系统解析