




1.泉 凉宫 Suzumiya IZUMI 长谷川 Hasegawa ...

2.出水 佐贺 saga 出水 izumi 伊万里 imari ...

3.和泉社(Inoac) 岩田螺栓株式会社(Iwata) 泉工业株式会社(Izumi) 日本锻工株式会社(Japan Forge) 日本电池株式会社(Japan Storag…

5.泉精器制作所 索尼 SONY 日本泉精器 IZUMI 泉精器 IZUMI ...

7.刘羽琦黄晓明绯闻女友刘羽琦(Izumi)有日系宅男女神之称,在内地发展逾五年,近日她积极发展香港市场,更计划推出时尚写真。日 …


1.'The company is still investigating' if any of its products were stolen off the streets, said Kirin's Tokyo-based spokesman, Shinya Izumi.麒麟驻东京发言人泉信也(ShinyaIzumi)说,公司仍在调查是否有产品在街上被人偷走。

2.Izumi and I were pving in an efficiency apartment on a small Greek island.泉和我住在希腊的一个小岛上的廉租公寓里。

3."We would expect there may be some differences in the effects of alcohol on patients taking these drugs, " Izumi says.我们可以预期酒精对服用这类药物的患者的效果会有所不同。

4.Izumi's Engpsh was pretty fluent, and she could easily have read the articles herself.泉的英语很地道,她自己来读这些报道是一点问题也不会有的。

5.I took a deep breath, gazed up at the sky and turned to Izumi.我深深地吸了一口气,凝视了一下天空,然后转向泉。

6.Izumi said a team of officials from the ministry were assessing the extent of damage.泉信也称本部门的调查组正在对地震的损毁程度进行评定。

7.After I had finished reading the whole article, Izumi sat there, unmoving, elbows resting on the table.在我读完了整篇报道以后,泉坐在那里,一动不动,肘部搭在桌上。

8.the paper has a special study on the development strategy of chongqing changjiang izumi piston industries co . , ltd.本文对重庆长江依之密活塞工业有限公司的发展战略问题进行了专题研究。

9.I read this article to Izumi, who was sitting across from me.我把这篇报道读给泉听时,她正坐在我对面。

10.We are a band, which can not exist without Isshi, Shin, Nao, Izumi.我们是一个乐队,如果没有一志,真,女雅,白水便无法存在。