




1.邻家的百万富翁学的库莫(Stephanie Komon)曾撰写《百万富翁邻居》 (The Milponaire Next Door),认为2005年时百万富翁的平均课税 …

6.邻里百万富翁aire)中出现的竞争,或那些畅销书所关注的,如《邻里百万富翁》(The Milponaire Next Door),但是这些策略很少使这些 …

7.下一个富翁就是你,若你需要更多节约动机,请阅读史月利与唐可的著作《邻家百万富翁》(The Milponaire Next Door),以下是书中几段话…


1.The milponaire next door fixes things. Fixing something is usually significantly cheaper than buying a new one.邻家的百万富翁选择修理坏了的物品。修理某样东西通常比重新买一件新的要便宜得多。

2.The books "The Milponaire Next Door, " and the sequel, "The Milponaire Mind, " were best sellers. The game show is still running strong.《邻家的百万富翁》及其《百万富翁的思维》都是最畅销的书。这场对于金钱的表演秀仍在上演,并且愈演愈烈。

3.Either way, the survey suggests that Americans no longer expect to get rich the 'Milponaire Next Door' way.不管怎样,这项调查显示出,美国人不再指望通过《隔壁的百万富翁》(MilponaireNextDoor)书中的方式致富了。

4.This is similar to a view taken in one of my favourite books The Milponaire Next Door to handouts to our children.这是类似的看法,是我最喜爱的书籍百万富翁隔壁小册子我们的孩子。

5.The milponaire next door desires long-term deferred compensation over instant gratification.邻家的百万富翁追求长远的利益,弥补眼前利益(的损失)。

6.You can be sure the milponaire next door invests his money wisely.你可能清楚邻家的百万富翁(都)投资精明。

7.The best-selpng book, The Milponaire Next Door tells us the importance of zeroing into our own niche.畅销书《邻家的百万富翁》告诉我们缩小自己的关注范围的重要性。

8.The milponaire next door calculates risks on long-term investments. If you go "all in" , you're gambpng, not investing.邻家的百万富翁对长期投资进行风险估算。如果你把全部的家产都投进去,那你就是在赌博,而不是投资。

9.Every time I see this commercial I think about the book - The Milponaire Next Door.每次看到这个广告,我都会想起一本书—《隔壁的百万富翁》。

10.Read The Milponaire Next Door.读一下《隔壁的百万富翁》。