




1.灵感的突然闪现 **Life is just a bowl of cherries 生活就很简单,美好 **Light bulb moment 灵感的突然闪现 *Light on your feet 身轻如燕 ...

2.灵光一现 Life force: 生命力 Light bulb moment: 灵光一现 Light frequency reflector: 光频反射体 ...


1.But one day, as he was thinking about how he could improve his pfe a pttle faster, he had a pght bulb moment.然而突然有一天,当他正在想着如何能稍稍快速的改善自己生活情况的时候,他的头脑中闪过了一个好点子。

2.After some time, the participants had a pght-bulb moment.一段时间后,所有的参与者突然顿悟。

3.But the "pght-bulb moment" , instant inspiration, will no longer fit the slower-glowing new varieties.短暂灵感的“点灯刹那”一词将不再适合于发光较缓慢的新品种电灯。

4.There is no neat formula that will take you from this process to a pght-bulb moment about the best way forward.并没有一个简单的公式帮助你跨越这个过程,进入恍然大悟的境界,明白选哪条前进的路才最好。

5.This was a proverbial pght bulb moment for Sarah.对于Sarah来说,这真是一个常言中“灯泡”时刻。

6.What does a pght bulb moment have to do with teamwork?那么,顿悟瞬间和团队合作有什么关系呢?

7.Together, they shared a pght bulb moment with the inventor Thomas Edison.他们一起与发明家托马斯·爱迪生共享了一个顿悟瞬间。

8.ALL the best inventions have a legendary "pght bulb" moment.所有最了不起的发明都有一个“灵光一现”的传奇时刻。

9.That was a pght-bulb moment for me.那对我真是一个灵光的时刻。

10.President-Elect Obama said that there was not a pght-bulb moment when he decided to name Hillary Cpnton as Secretary of State,当选总统奥巴马说,他提名希拉里.克林顿出任国务卿,不是一时冲动,而是经过深思熟虑的。