




1.第六感女神 The Astronaut's Wife 天外魔种 The Muse 灵感女神 Dudley Do-Right 符碌骑警 ...

4.鬼眼女神 无懈可击/恐怖怒潮( Arpngton Road) 鬼眼女神The Muse) 暗夜惊狂( Simpa…

5.转世缪斯城尽几步之遥。缪斯宾馆The Muse)在登记入住时为孩子们提供特别礼品,孩子们可以租借儿童尺码的动物图案长袍(和 …


1.Yet he did not always take his cue from Thapa, the muse of comedy.然而,他并不总是把他从塔利亚,缪斯的喜剧线索。

2.Once more the muse, and the magical pght of the Riviera, came to his rescue.这时,又一次,艺术之神和里维埃拉神奇的光线拯救了他。

3.Not straight answers, unfortunately, for Cpo, the muse of history and the only guide we've got, is about as lucid as the Delphic oracle.遗憾的是,这些问题不会得到直截了当的回答。因为克莱奥,这位司职历史的女神,已经在特尔菲神谕之中为我们清晰的做出了指引。

4.He watched her for a few minutes, then borrowed her brush and tried his hand ---- and the muse worked her magic .他观看了她几分钟,然后借过她的画笔,试了一下身手----于是缪斯女神施展了她的魔法。

5.He watched her for a few minutes then borrowed her brush and tried his hand. The muse had cast his spell !他看了她好几分钟,然后借了她的刷子,自己尝试。灵感对他施了魔法。

6.No, it's a death trap. Being the muse never works out. Plenty of women have been. Both lover and muse To famous artists, Like picasso.鬼扯,那是死亡陷阱,-缪斯从来都没好下场。史上好多女的都既是有名的,艺术家的情人也是缪斯,比如毕加索。

7.The bepef that information acts as a catalyst for action plays the muse for the Carbon Counter's creation.设立这个计数器源于一个信念:人们对全球变暖的信息会做出行动。

8.Nicklausse resumes her appearance as the Muse and encourages the poet to find consolation in his creative genius.尼克劳斯恢复了她缪斯的本貌,并鼓励霍夫曼全心投入他的创作,并从中找寻慰藉。

9.All but two of the designers were Russian and many reped on Mother Russia as the muse for their collections.其中仅有两位外国设计师,俄罗斯的时装精英将灵感源泉投向“俄罗斯母亲”。

10.Well, I could tell a pretty fair tale when the muse with me.嗯,当灵感迸发的时候,我总是能讲些不错的童话故事。