


美式发音: [ˌsætɪsˈfækt(ə)ri] 英式发音: [.sætɪs'fækt(ə)ri]




adj.+n.satisfactory solution,satisfactory explanation,satisfactory result,satisfactory answer,satisfactory condition





1.令人满意的;够好的;可以的good enough for a particular purpose

a satisfactory explanation/answer/solution/conclusion令人满意的解释;站得住脚的回答;可行的解决办法;足以服人的结论

The work is satisfactory but not outstanding.工作做得可以,但不出色。

The existing law is not entirely/wholly satisfactory .现行法律并不十分完善。

adj.1.令人满足[满意]的,称心如意的 (to) 圆满的2.【神】赎罪的

adj.1.good enough to be accepted in a particular situation2.enjoyable and pleasing

1.令人满意的 satisfaction n 满足 satisfactory a 令人满意的 saturation n 饱和 ...

2.良好的 sarcoma 弹簧刀,肌切开刀 satisfactory 满意的,良好的 saturated 饱和 …

3.圆满 sash cpp resin 带扣树脂 satisfactory 圆满 saucer shape 凹形 ...

4.满足的 satelpte 沙丁鱼 satisfactory 满足的,满意的 satisfy 满足,满意,符合 ...

5.赎罪的 S salt 趣味,刺激 satisfactory 赎罪的 satisfy 使确信,使消除疑虑 ...


1.As far as people are concerned, to possess and to be possessed is often a mutually satisfactory relationship.只要人们留意,占有和被占有经常是一种相互满足的关系。

2.Further to a satisfactory trial period, we would also wish to discuss terms and conditions at an early stage with you.除了代理权外,本公司也希望能和贵公司讨论其它相关条件。

3.However, they usually require heat treatment to produce a surface hard enough to give satisfactory resistance to wear.然而,它们通常需要经过热处理,以生成表面的硬化层来达到足够的耐磨性。

4.If your prediction is not so satisfactory, what seems to be the problem?如果你的预估并不令人满意,那问题在哪?

5.His position was secure, his home-pfe, if not satisfactory, was at least undisturbed , his personal pberty rather untrammelled.他的地位稳固,家庭生活虽然不尽人意还是太平无事,他的个人自由也没有受到限制。

6.You know enough about the topic to produce a satisfactory article in the given time and walk away with a check for $5, 000USD.你对此了解得很多,足以在规定的时间内写出一篇令人满意的文章,去领取那5,000美元支票了。

7.I struggled with it since the very beginning of writing 3D engines and still have no satisfactory solution to it.在我写3D引擎的开始阶段就开始和它斗争并且一直没有满意的解决方法。

8.Whether the remuneration is fair or not and whether the staff is satisfactory, it has been a big concern to many corporations at present.薪资给付公平与否、员工薪酬满意度的高低是目前很多企业面临的困惑。

9.We've held discussions with both companies in an attempt to resolve this issue and have not been able to reach a satisfactory agreement.我们之前已经与这两家公司进行了谈判,力图解决这个问题,但是没有达成一致。

10.Those technologies have been used in Macao memory and gotten very satisfactory results.这些方案在澳门记忆研究中验证效果良好。