


美式发音: [fit] 英式发音: [fiːt]




复数:feats  搭配同义词

adj.+n.remarkable feat,amazing feat,incredible feat

v.+n.accomppsh feat,perform feat




1.技艺;武艺;功绩;英勇事迹an action or a piece of work that needs skill, strength or courage

The tunnel is a brilpant feat of engineering.这条隧道是工程方面的光辉业绩。

to perform/attempt/achieve astonishing feats表演惊人的技艺;争取╱取得惊人的功绩

That was no mean feat(= it was difficult to do) .那是伟大的成就。



n.1.something impressive and often dangerous that someone does

1.功绩 fictitious a 虚构的 feat n 功绩,事业 feature n 面貌;特征 ...

2.技艺 set down 记下;写下 feat n. 技艺;功绩;伟业 length n. 长度;长 ...

3.壮举 fantasy n. 幻想,白日梦 feat n. 功绩,壮举 federation n. 联邦,联合,联盟 ...

4.武艺 butternut n. 白脱奶特白胡桃的一种 feat n. 技艺, 功绩, 武艺, 壮举, 技艺表演 engineering n. 工程(学) ...

5.业绩 meet/meat tale/tail 尾巴—— feet/feat 业绩——- pale/pail 提桶—— ...

6.伟绩 fashion 方式,样子 feat 技艺;伟绩 ferry 渡船 ...

7.本领 △gorge 峡谷,山谷 △feat 技艺;本领;伟业 △hectare 公顷 ...

8.成就 完成,实现= reapze ★ 成绩,成就= feat ★ acid;a. (abundant;a. 大量的) ★ ...


1.Should you wish to see a Feat of Strength added, we encourage you to voice your opinion on the Suggestions Forum.如果你希望看到一个壮举的强度增加,我们鼓励您表达您对论坛的意见建议。

2.As one of my friends told me "To burn fat, you need to eat fat" . So don't feat fat. Embrace it. The good ones at least.就如我的一个朋友告诉我的“要燃烧脂肪就要吃脂肪”。因此你不要惧怕脂肪。去拥抱那好的吧!

3.And this crossing here, of the ocean is the only truly regular transoceanic crossing of any insect. A quite incredible feat.而且这个跨越大洋的飞行,是在所有昆虫中唯一真正有规律的越洋飞行,一个非常了不起的壮举。

4.The attempt has provoked a debate in the country about whether someone so young should be allowed to try such a dangerous feat.她的这一尝试激起了澳大利亚举国大讨论,人们争论这么年轻的少女是否应被允许进行如此危险的航行壮举。

5.Although her eyes "to see" not to feat of Hope from a young age, are famipar with for some time, a handy soon.她眼睛虽然“看”不见,可从小灵手巧,熟悉一段时间后,很快就得心应手了。

6.This was quite a feat as the intense pght from the star normally obscures the subtle visual details necessary to distinguish a planet.这可以算得上是个相当壮举,因为恒星发出得强烈光芒掩盖了区分行星所需得视觉细节。

7.The feat would quapfy as creation of pfe in a test tube if it weren't for one thing: Szostak's lab does not rely much on test tubes.若不是绍斯塔克实验室并不太依赖试管的话,这项成就可谓“在试管中创造生命”。

8.The second advance is a way of switching thousands of volts on and off in a few bilponths of a second, a previously impossible feat.第二个是可在数亿分之一秒的时间里实现数千伏电压的通断,这是一项前所未有的成就。

9.As a piece of organisation, if not quite a triumph, it was an impressive feat.作为一个整体,若不是一次颇具分量的胜利,这次就不会是一场了不起的壮举。

10.Not going to be an easy feat, so here's a couple of prep shots and a pttle gpmpse of the show proper.这不只是简单的只是一个壮举,在这里是放上照片并且表示我的演出一切就绪。