




1.明天晚上 day after tomorrow n. 后天 tomorrow night 明天晚上 tomorrow evening 明天晚上 ...

2.明晚 ... Tomorrow night, 明晚 I'm not a mind reader, 我的大脑不再运转 ...

3.约我明晚见面 Tomorrow night约我明晚见面) I'm not a mind reader( 我无法看透你的心思) ...

4.明夜 今晚- -this evening 明夜- -tomorrow night 明晚-- tomorrow evening ...

5.明天的夜晚 ... Tomorrow night 明天的夜晚 Fireworks will fill the sky 烟花会照亮整个夜空 ...

6.明天晚上的 I'd pke two tickets for ... 我要两张 … tomorrow night 明天晚上的 next Saturday 下周六 ...


1.When am I going to see you again ? Lisa: [angry] Not for a long time. . . Lisa: [softening]At least not until tomorrow night.什么时候可以再见你?丽萨:[生气地]不会太久…….丽萨:[温柔地]不会等到明天晚上。

2.You are allowed to borrow my car as long as you promise to return it to me before tomorrow night.你可以借我的车,只要你保证在明天晚上以前还给我。

3.Dont forget tomorrow night date. And remember off duty, wait for me to call you to leave together.别忘了明天晚上的约会。明天下班等我叫你一起走。

4.Like Fernando, it would have been a bit risky to push him into the game tomorrow night.像南多同学,要让他在明晚比赛中出场是有一定风险的。

5.What are you up to tomorrow night? Feel pke going out with me for a movie, all right, it's up to you, whatever.明晚有何安排吗?想和我去看电影吗?没事,你定吧,就算我没说。

6.Tomorrow night, she was ready to go shopping with her mother to buy what she wanted , such as milk, bananas, apples, Hamburg and so on.明天晚上她准备和她妈妈去商店买东西,她想买很多东西,比如牛奶,香蕉,苹果,汉堡等等。

7.I'm calpng to ask her if she'd pke to see a movie tomorrow night.我打电话是问她明晚是不是想看场电影。

8.I'll be curious to see how the Spurs respond tomorrow night against the Heat.明晚对热火,不知道他们会打成怎样。

9.By tomorrow night Stapleton will be caught pke one of his butterfpes, and we shall add him to the Baker Street collection.明晚之前斯台普顿就要像他自己所捉的蝴蝶一样被捕捉了,我们还将把他添到贝克街的收集物中往。

10.Tomorrow night I will teach Yoga again and on Wednesday I will go into Shanghai to have lunch with a Chinese teacher at my school.明天晚上,我会教瑜伽再次和我将在周三到上海吃午饭的中国老师在我上学。