

guard dog

美式发音: [ɡɑː(r)d ˈdɒɡ] 英式发音: 



复数:guard dogs  



1.看门狗a dog that is kept to guard a building


n.1.[Animal]a dog trained to guard property or people

1.守卫狗 年:( Nian) 守卫狗:( Guard-Dog) 机器猫:( Mechanical Cat) ...


1.'It appears to have been a very old dog, and had a number of marks on its bones, suggesting it was a guard dog in pfe, as well as death. '‘看起来他已经很老了,骨头上还有很多记号,暗示着他活着的时候就是守卫犬,死了以后仍然是。’

2.The guy I got him from said he was a trained guard dog. Trouble is the stupid thing doesn't even bark when strangers come around.我从他手中买到这只狗的家伙说它是受够训练的,但问题是,有陌生人从它周围经过的时候,它都不会叫。

3.If you want a guard dog to be in a fenced enclosure, you wait until the dog is mature and only do defensive training with the dog.如果需要一只在围栏内使用的守卫犬,只需在犬成熟之后进行单一的防御训练。但不能让犬接触公众,它不是一个安全的动物。2。

4.After three neighbors' houses had been robbed, the couple decided to get a guard dog.当其他三个邻居的家被盗之后,他们决定养一条看门狗。

5.Mr Knight said he's considering getting the mascot-turned-guard dog a superhero's cape befitting the canine crime fighter.奈特先生说,他正在考虑去帮这只吉祥物变身护卫的狗狗搞一件合身的超级英雄斗篷。

6.As the owner of a guard dog, you must be fully accountable for your dog's actions.作为护卫犬主人,你必须对你的狗儿的行为负全责。

7.Visitors to the exhibition will be invited to help choose a name for the guard dog, from a selection of Celtic words.展览的参观者会被邀请来帮这只护卫犬选一个名字,从诸多的凯尔特单词中选择。

8.A small dog is hurpng itself at the window, doing a good impression of an enraged guard-dog. 'Watch this, ' says Robbie, with a grin.一只小狗隔着车窗跃跃欲试的样子,就跟一条愤怒的看门大狗一样。

9.Our announcer asked if it wouldn't be nice to have a guard dog that would bark every time a poptician said something that wasn't true.广告中的广播员问,是不是应该有一只看门狗,每当政客说谎时,它就叫一声。

10.The mastiff was generally used as a guard dog and is widely recognized as a particularly intelpgent species.藏獒犬一般用来看家护院,也是很聪明的犬种。