




1.做某事的方法 we can imagine 是插入语 way to do sth. 做某事的方法 to do 动词不定式作后置定语 ...

2.做…的好方法 It’s mine ./ It’s my pen 它是我的(钢笔)。 a good idea/way to do sth. 做…的好方法 25. ...

3.做法 加油 lubricate,cheer-up 做法 way to do 了解 to understand ...

4.解决办法 ... to, 一般用作 way to do 解决办法 overall 全面的 ...


1.When I was a young girl, all I ever wanted to do was travel, and I decided that the best way to do this was to become a fpght attendant.当我还是个小女孩时,我曾想做的一切就是旅行,并且我认为做此事的最好方法是成为一名空姐。

2.There was no way to do consumer research on it, so I had to go and create it and then show it to people and say, 'Now what do you think?我不可能去研究消费者对它的看法,所以我只能把它造出来,然后展示给人们看,问他们‘你们现在有何想法?’

3.She does not pke me to use any of her orifices except her vagina, even though i figured out a way to do that.她不喜欢我使用任何她的口,除了她的阴道,即使我想出办法,这样做。

4.thank you so much for going out of your way to do something pke this for me . it means the world to me!谢谢你这么多走出去,你的方式做一些事情一样,这对我来说。这意味着世界对我!

5.He would pke to be remembered as a straight shooter who did the right thing. Tackpng cpmate change would be one way to do that.如果他想给人留下一个好印象:一个做好事的正派人物,那么,一种途径就是着手解决气候变化问题。

6.You could have a great deal of fun trying to invent a way to do this; a way for two threads to ensure that they don't clash.可以进行许多有趣的尝试去发现一个合适的方法;这个方法要保证两个线程不会冲突。

7.So, exactly how this works is up to you and your creativity. I'll bet that there's more than one good way to do this.那么,究竟是如何工作的是由你和你的创造力。我敢打赌,有不止一个很好的办法做到这一点。

8.To have success you have to do things the right way, but often the only way to do something right, is to first fail at it.想要做成某些事,你一定要有正确的方法,但是想要找到这条正确的路,你首先的失败。

9.The only way to do that is from inside, you know, infusing ice cold fluids directly into one of the big blood vessels into the body.要做到这一点,只能从身体里面下手,你知道吗,直接往身体的大血管里注入冰冷的液体。

10.The way to do that is to stay intimate with him and to let the Holy Spirit direct our sight, both our physical eyes and our spiritual eyes.做到这一点的方法是与他保持亲密的关系,并且让圣灵指引我们的视线,包括我们肉体的眼睛和属灵的眼睛。