


网络释义:传输时间间隔(Transmission Time Interval);创科集团;创科实业


1.传输时间间隔(Transmission Time Interval)传输时间间隔TTI)是在 UMTS(和其它数字电讯网络,如LTE系统)中的一个参数,是指数据压缩从更高层到帧中进行传输 …

2.创科集团创科集团TTi) | LG广州分公司 | 珠海格力 | 深圳富士康科技 | 联想集团 | 化工行业 广州立白化工 | 白云采妮化妆品厂 | 苏州鸿 …

3.创科实业创科实业TTI)的助理总法律顾问 Emmanuelle Prono 补充说道:“考虑到我们要巩固创科实业集团的知识产权续期系统和程序…

4.交通和旅行信息系统(Traffic and Travel Information)│ │ DD ENV ISO 14819-3-2001 Traffic and travel information (TTI). TTI Messages via traffic message coding.


1.TTI's experience suggests that even companies adversely affected by the VAT changes have been able to pass on their costs.创科实业的经历表明,即便是因增值税政策变动受到负面影响的公司,也能够转嫁它们的成本压力。

2.The final TTI has a remarkable colour changes and could be used for the food quapty monitoring.最终制作出的指示卡颜色变化明显,可以用于食品质量监测。

3.The maturity of organic substance can be expressed by the time-temperature index(TTI value)and vitrinite reflectance (R0).有机质的成熟度可用时间温度指数(TTI值)和镜质体反射率(R0)来表示。

4.TTI executives also cautioned that not all the cost pressures that have forced them to raise prices are unique to China.创科实业的高管还警告称,并非所有迫使他们提价的成本压力都是中国所独有的。

5.Each PHY packet is sent in one transmission time interval (TTI) to a receiver.在一个传输时间间隔(TTI)中将每一物理层包发送到接收机。

6.Buffett has another company, TTI, which sells tiny electronic parts.巴菲特旗下的另外一家公司TTI主要出售小型电子部件。

7.TTI has implemented a programme of community events and sports to make its workers feel happier and more stable.创科集团实施了一项计划,积极组织集体活动,并举行运动会,以增强员工的幸福感和稳定感。

8.The authors simulated and analyzed the phase velocity of 3D TTI media, based on the expressions for 3D TTI medias phase velocity.依据三维TTI介质的相速度表达式,模拟并分析了三维TTI介质相速度图像。

9.As traffic getting heavier and the traffic network becomes more and more comppcated, the demand for TTI has increased day by day.随著交通工具数量的增加以及交通网络的日益复杂,用路人对于交通及旅游资讯质与量的要求也逐渐提升。

10.NOTE: The period of configured uppnk grants is expressed in TTIs.已经配置的上行授权的周期用TTI来表示。