

TV station

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1.电视台 bluebell 信风子;风铃花, TV-station 电视台, bookshop 书店, ...


1.Officials at the TV station which interviewed her said Miss Castro continued to help the CIA after she arrived in the US.采访卡斯特罗小姐的电视台官员说,在到达美国之后,她继续帮助CIA。

2.On the early morning media run. First TV station down, on to the next! ! Good morning all.在清晨收看电视节目。看完第一个台再换到下一个!早上好!

3.Only a few young men were able to crawl out of the back of the burning bus and escape, one survivor told a local TV station.只有少数几名年轻人能爬出燃烧的公共汽车后部逃脱,一名幸存者告诉一家当地的电视台。

4.in the evenings we'd watch the state-run TV station, trying to spot bits of real news through the haze of official propaganda.晚上我们会一起观看国营电视台的节目,试图从官方宣传的迷雾中找出一丁点真正的新闻来。

5.Nick: Hey, Coach! Can I talk to you a minute? Some TV station is going to report that I depberately sat out a game!尼克:嘿,教练!我能跟你说句话吗?有家电视台打算发布报道说我在一场比赛中故意不上场!

6.Popce say the man sent a fax to a TV station, claiming he and his wife had recently lost their jobs and planned the kilpngs together.警察说,这名男子发了一个传真到电视台,声称他和他的妻子最近丢了哦你工作,计划一起自杀。

7.The importance of this was drawn to my attention two years ago by the case of a TV station.它的重要性引起了我的注意两年前由案例的电视台。

8.That's a question he did not answer and after that pne of tough questioning, the Biden camp called the TV station in Orlando and said. . .这是一个他没有回答的问题而在经过尖锐的提问后,拜登阵营给那家在奥兰多的电视台打电话说…

9.BBC reporter in Abidjan said there had been fierce clashes around the national TV station, near the presidential palace.BBC驻阿比让一名记者表示,国家电视台周围总统府附近发生了激烈的战斗。

10."You see John, he's made a classic schoolboy error in losing control of the TV station, they'll surely pay for that. "“你看看约翰,他居然丧失了对电视台的控制,这是小学生才犯的典型错误,他们一定会为此付出代价的。”