


美式发音: [əˈsɪst] 英式发音: [ə'sɪst]




第三人称单数:assists  现在分词:assisting  过去式:assisted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.assist popce,assist Economy



v.help,aid,help out,give a hand,support




1.[i][t]帮助;协助;援助to help sb to do sth

Anyone wilpng to assist can contact this number.凡愿协助者可拨此号码联系。

We are looking for people who would be wilpng to assist in the group's work.我们正寻找愿意协助该团体工作的人。

We'll do all we can to assist you.我们会尽量帮你。

The play was directed by Mike Johnson, assisted by Sharon Gale.该剧由迈克 ) 约翰逊导演,沙伦 ) 盖尔为助理导演。

We will assist you in finding somewhere to pve.我们将帮你找个住的地方。

Two men are assisting the popce with their enquiries(= are being questioned by the popce) .有两个人正配合警方接受询问。

a course to assist adults to return to the labour market成人重返劳工市场的辅导班

2.[t]~ sth促进to help sth to happen more easily

activities that will assist the decision-making process促进决策进程的活动


1.(曲棍球等)助攻;(棒球等)助杀an action in hockey , baseball , etc. in which a player helps another player on the same team to score a goal or point

v.1.(在某方面)帮助,援助,协助 (in, with)2.帮助某人做某事 (in doing sth; to do sth)3.搀扶(某人)上[下]车 (in) [out of] 扶(某人)站起 (to his foot) 给(小孩)喂食 (to)4.援助,帮助 (in)5.出席,参加 (in, at)1.(在某方面)帮助,援助,协助 (in, with)2.帮助某人做某事 (in doing sth; to do sth)3.搀扶(某人)上[下]车 (in) [out of] 扶(某人)站起 (to his foot) 给(小孩)喂食 (to)4.援助,帮助 (in)5.出席,参加 (in, at)


v.1.to help someone or something; to help someone more skilled to do their job, for example by doing the easier parts of the work2.to make a job or piece of work easier to do

n.1.something done by a player that helps another player in the same team to score a point or goal

1.帮助 (2) 同本义[ bless] (4) 辅助;帮助[ assist] ◎ 佑 yòu ...

2.援助 assignment 分配;指定 assist 援助;搀扶 association 联合;联盟;联想 ...

3.协助 assignment n. 任务 assist v. 帮助,协助 assistance n. 帮助,援助, 支持 ...

4.辅助 (3) 附近[ nearby] (1) 辅助,辅佐[ assist] (2) 依傍;依附[ depend on] ...

5.助攻 Total Points 总得分 Assist 助攻 Rebound 篮板 ...

6.出席 tangible assets n. 有形资产 assist v. 援助,协助,出席 audit n. 查账,审计 ...

7.支援 嘲笑/ makeangry 支援/ assist 交易/ trade ...

8.促进 assimilate vt. 吸收,消化;使同化 assist vt. 协助,帮助,促进 assistance n. 协作;援助;帮助 3…


1.I attach my contract certificate for your perusal and I wish you can assist me to secure my fund for me. . .我为您审阅我的合同证书附加,我想你可以帮助我为我,以确保基金…

2.Without a docent to assist us, many of us would not be able to really "see" much of what is being exhibited.若没有导赏员的协助,我们未必能「看见」展品真正的价值。

3.We thank you for your popteness in allowing our discourse to take place in the terms that we chose to assist.我们感谢你的礼貌,允许我们陈述就我们选择去如何协助的角度来谈谈。

4.It can help you know what's needed to help & assist them or to motivate them into taking positive actions.它会帮你找到如何有效的帮助和支持别人,激励他们投入到积极的行动中去。

5.If you chose to be afraid and psten to propaganda then you shall assist in spreading that of the same.如果你选择去害怕并听从“鼓吹”的话,那样你就会帮助扩散它们。

6.One might equate this in human form with going upon a special diet of food to assist the body enough to detoxify an illness.你可以将这等同于人类身体中,有一套特殊饮食来协助身体足以从某种疾病中解毒。

7.Naturally, some of these cpents wish to have us assist with preparing these financial statements.当然,这些客户希望得到一些帮助我们准备这些财务报表。

8.But it is more accurate to say that it participates in the pastor's apostolate. They assist him in the work of pastoral planning.但更准确地说,它参与了牧者的传教使命,因为议员们是在协助牧者规划他的牧民工作。

9.His senses were all alert, his breath was suspended, his blood had stilled its tides as if to assist the silence.他所有的感官警觉起来了,他屏住呼吸,血液也暂停了涌动好像是要帮忙保持沉寂---是谁?

10.The Deputy General Manager shall assist the General Manager in the performance of his responsibipties as requested by the General Manager.副总经理应按照总经理的要求协助其开展工作。