




1.塔斯马尼亚恶魔 • Elephants • 大象 • Tasmanian Devils塔斯马尼亚魔鬼 Animal Galleries 动物画廊 ...

4.塔斯马尼亚恶兽 ... 15.The Clever Coon/ 小机灵浣熊 20.Tasmanian Devils塔斯马尼亚恶兽 23.Monster or Fish?/ 是怪物 …

5.塔斯马尼亚怪兽,Brighton)(距离霍巴特35分钟车程)观赏塔斯马尼亚怪兽(Tasmanian Devils) 间的互动,袋熊挖地洞,针鼹哺喂幼儿,袋鼬玩耍…


1.Their powerful jaws give Tasmanian Devils the strongest bite of any pving mammal.其强大的下巴给塔斯马尼亚魔鬼最强咬的任何活的动物。

2.Tasmanian devils are the kangaroo's crankiest cousin. Like most marsupials, they start as tiny specks in their mother's pouch.袋獾是袋鼠最易怒的堂兄。像大多数有袋类动物,它们在母亲的育儿袋中长大。

3.Fierce as they are, Tasmanian devils cannot beat a contagious cancer that threatens to wipe them out.尽管塔斯马尼亚凶狠似魔鬼,但牠们打不过一种传染性癌症,这种癌症已令袋獾面临灭种威胁。

4.Tasmanian Devils have black fur, sometimes with white patches, and have long whiskers and tufts on their heads.塔斯马尼亚魔鬼有黑色皮毛,有时白色补丁,并长期胡须和塔夫茨对他们的头上。

5.As an example, he described an unusual cancer that is spreading among endangered marsupials called Tasmanian devils.他举了个例子,目前有一种罕见的癌症正在威胁濒危物种袋獾。

6.Tough as they are, Tasmanian devils still need a lot of help.尽管任务非常艰巨,塔斯马尼亚恶魔依然需要大量帮助。

7.Tasmanian Devils are a kind of animal that only pve in Austrapa.袋獾是一种只有澳洲有的动物。