


美式发音: [tækˈsɑnəmi] 英式发音: [tækˈsɒnəmi]



复数:taxonomies  同义词




1.[u]分类学the scientific process of classifying things (= arranging them into groups)

plant taxonomy植物分类学

2.[c]分类法;分类系统a particular system of classifying things


n.1.the process of organizing similar things, especially pving things, into groups or types; a system for organizing similar things into groups

1.分类学 猫鲨科 拉丁名: Scyporhinidae 分类学地位(taxonomy): |__动物界 |__脊索动物门 |__脊椎动物亚门 |__有颌上纲 |__(鱼纲…

5.生物分类学家鸽生物分类学(Taxonomy) 学名 - 界,门,纲,目,科,属,种的定义分类学是一门研究生物类群间的异同以及异同程度,阐明生物间 …

6.分类体系是分类体系taxonomy)的视觉化表达形式。所谓分类体系,是指在特定设计问题的上下文当中涉及的语汇经由分类而形成的 …



1.This means that there is at least some level of taxonomy available to all aggregated content, regardless of the source.这意味不管信息来自哪里,都在某种程度上进行了分类。

2.The concept with an Engpsh preferred label of "dog" might have a "related" relationship with a "doghouse" concept in a different taxonomy.具有英语首选标签“dog”的概念可能与在不同分类中的“doghouse”概念具有“related”关系。

3.The number, arrangement and character of subsidiary cells is often of value in taxonomy.副卫细胞的数目、列方式、特征可作为分类学的依据。

4.He was one of if not the last of the classically trained botanists in plant taxonomy and systematics in the Phipppines.他是菲律宾植物分类学与系统学界里,一位受过正规坚实训练的植物学家,可能也是最后一个。

5.Linnaeus's most famous contribution to taxonomy was his system of BINOMAL NOMENCLATURE, in which he gave plants two Latin names.林奈最主要的贡献是建立了植物分类学上的双名法,规定植物用拉丁文命名。

6.This work product is the beginning of the content taxonomy, and helps you to organize your ideas regarding content for your portal.该工作产品是内容分类的开始,有助于组织关于门户内容的想法。

7."The proposed new name is catchy and could be a worthwhile addition to the magnetospheric taxonomy, " she said.她说:“这个已经提出的名字非常吸引人,而且能为磁层分类学添上有价值的一员。”

8.Typically, within a CoP, the domain experts are responsible for creating the initial taxonomy of tags to be used as part of that COP.通常,在某个CoP中,领域专家负责创建用作该COP一部分的初始标记分类法。

9.These tradeoffs can be examined by organizing the various approaches into a taxonomy (classification).这些折衷可以通过把不同的方法组织成一个类别加以检查。

10.An enterprise taxonomy is a set of terms and the associated relationships that exist between them.企业分类法是一套词汇以及它们之间存在的关联关系。