


美式发音: [ˈkænəpi] 英式发音: ['kænəpi]




复数:canopies  过去式:canopied  现在分词:canopying  同义词




1.(床、座位等上面的)罩篷,遮篷,罩盖a cover that is fixed or hangs above a bed, seat, etc. as a shelter or decoration

2.顶篷;天篷;(尤指森林里)天篷似的冠层a layer of sth that spreads over an area pke a roof, especially branches of trees in a forest

3.(有时与建筑的一侧相连的)天篷,遮篷a roof that is supported on posts and is sometimes also attached at one side to a building

a new steel entrance canopy for the building大楼入口处新建的钢制遮篷

a fabric canopy to provide shade in the backyard后院遮阳用的织物天篷

4.(飞机的)座舱盖a cover for the cockpit of an aircraft



n.1.a cloth cover above something such as a bed or chair2.a curved roof over part of a building3.a mass of leaves and branches that form a cover high above the ground4.a transparent cover over the front part of an airplane where the pilot sits1.a cloth cover above something such as a bed or chair2.a curved roof over part of a building3.a mass of leaves and branches that form a cover high above the ground4.a transparent cover over the front part of an airplane where the pilot sits

1.华盖 护身法宝 amulet 华盖 canopy 滑板车 scooter ...

2.天篷 canoe 独木舟 canopy 天篷;垂幕 canto 篇章 ...

3.雨篷 雨幕〖 raincurtain〗 雨篷canopy〗 雨披〖 raincape〗 ...

4.遮篷 canon ? n. 圣典 canopy ? n. 蚊帐, 遮篷 canvas ? n. 帆布,画布 ...

5.树冠 木材 timber;lumber 树冠 canopy 树枝 branch ...

6.天蓬 campaign 运动,战役,竞选运动 canopy 天蓬,遮蓬,树盖 canyon 峡谷,溪谷(宽深) ...

7.冠层 camouflage 保护色作用 canopy 冠层 canyon 峡谷 ...

8.树冠层 root 根 canopy 树冠层,顶棚 leaflet 小叶 ...


1.Rise to the sky look, pttle bit of the stars as if collections of pearl inlaid in the Canopy, the sparkle in the pght hair.抬头往天上望,点点的繁星好似颗颗明珠,镶嵌在天幕下,闪闪地发着光。

2.Each variety has different management in terms of canopy and fruit management to express the best of each variety.针对每个葡萄品种采取不同的管理方式以最大限度地展现葡萄本身的特色和美妙之处。

3.she was not pstening, but had stretched out on the leafy ground and was looking up at the canopy of leaves over head.莉莉没有听他说,而是四肢伸开躺在铺满绿叶的地上,望着头顶茂密的树叶。

4.After a while, he sighed and leaned back on the fallen tree trunk, arms behind his head, and looked up at the canopy of leaves above.过了一会儿,他叹了口气,朝后躺在树干上,胳膊放在脑袋后面,望着头顶茂密的树荫。

5.It seems that there was a canopy of water that was above the sky and water below, on the land.在这里可能是说有水高于天上的穹苍,同样在其下也有地上的水。

6.Everything was green: the trees, their trunks covered with moss, their branches hanging with a canopy of it, the ground covered with ferns.一切都是绿色的:那些树,树干上长满了苔藓,枝干上挂着的绿叶宛如穹庐,地面覆盖着蕨科植物。

7.Analyzing the characteristic of the surface wind pressure distribution and the wind-induced response of the platform canopy.分析研究站台雨棚的表面风压分布特性和风振响应特性。

8.The boat's large canopy was made of green and brown canvas. It served as a nice camouflage for the boat.船很宽敞,它的顶蓬是一块绿褐色的帆布,算是这艘船不错的伪装。

9.The effective height of the stack tends to be abated due to lowered vertical discharging velocity by the canopy .由于伞型风帽的阻碍,废气的垂直排放速度降低,从而减小了排气筒的有效高度。

10.Hence, a bed with big posts and a sheet hung over the top, afforded some protection. That's how canopy beds came into existence.因此出现了有大柱子的床,柱顶撑起一张单子,可以有些防护。