




1.少女妈妈父母不是不管,而是管不了,后果就是美国有这么多的少女妈妈 (teenage mother)。女中学生若无男生陪同参加学校舞会或约 …


1.I was a teenage mother; pregnant as a high school senior. For quite some time I began to doubt a bright future for myself and my son.我还在念高中时就怀孕了,很长一段时间我一直质疑孩子和我的未来,但我意识到这时候唯一能拯救我的是我自己的态度。

2.Wendy looks at me as if she were with a teenage mother.温迪看着我,好像她在看一个未成年妈妈。

3.The teenage mother has been out of sorts since the premature birth of her baby.少女妈妈早产后身体一直不行。

4.A teenage mother shot and killed an intruder after a 911 operator said she was allowed to defend her infant son and herself with force.在911话务员跟她表示为保护小孩她有权采取措施后,一个少女妈妈枪击了入室者。

5.It's her account of a teenage mother with AIDS in Latin America.这本书讲述了一位居住在拉丁美洲的少女妈妈的故事。

6.Her parents were a soldier and an unwed teenage mother.她的父母是一个士兵和一个未婚少女的母亲。

7.Claireece "Precious" Jones is an obese, ilpterate teenage mother from Harlem who is trapped in a horrific cycle of incest and abuse.克莱瑞斯“珍”琼斯是个来自哈莱姆的肥胖、没有文化的少年妈妈。她受困于乱伦和虐待的恐怖循环之中。