


美式发音: [ˈnætp] 英式发音: [ˈnætəp]





1.娜塔莉 Morgan 摩尔根/摩根 Natape 娜塔莉 Nicole 妮可 ...

2.唐诗咏 Myrna 蜜尔娜 塞尔特 彬彬有礼 Natape 纳塔利 法国 圣诞日出生的 Natividad 娜提雅维达 西班牙 在圣诞节出生 …

4.娜特莉 Myrna 蜜尔娜 塞尔特 彬彬有礼 Natape 娜特莉 法国 圣诞日出生的 Natividad 娜提雅维达 西班牙 在圣诞节出生 …

5.纳塔莉 姓名:吴家乐 CARLONG 姓名:吴文忻 Natape 姓名:吴卓羲 Ron.Ng.Cheuk.Hai ...

7.圣诞出生的小孩所取的名字 NANCY 优雅的/温文的 NATALIE 圣诞出生的小孩所取的名字 OLIVIA 和 …


1.NATALIE: For us, our focus is to be honest about our sexuapty and open to any questions we're asked by our children as they get older.对我们来说,当我们的孩子长大一些问起我们,我们将坦诚的告诉他们性及任何问题。

2."Talk to him, " his wife advised Natape; after she did, her father made peace with the change.“你应该和他谈谈,”他的妻子给娜塔莉这个建议,而在娜塔莉和她父亲谈过之后,他也能平和地看待这个改变了。

3.That would be a fine way, to leave Natape to get along as best she can.要扔下纳塔丽,由着她自己去挣扎谋生——不堪设想啊!

4.If he could not win Natape back during all this, he sadly overestimated himself and the tie between them.假如在这么长一段时间还不能把娜塔丽争取回来,那他就是不幸过高地估计了自己以及他们之间的缘分了。

5."There were a lot of rumors, people were throwing around names pke Natape Portman, but she officially turned it down, " he said.“流言很多,有传闻说可能会让娜塔莉·波特曼这样的演员来演,但她已经官方否认了这个传言”罗斯说。

6.How does Natape make it clear to Cavil that she strenuously disapproves of his insistence on lobotomizing the Cylon Raiders?娜塔莉是如何向卡维尔挑明她强烈不同意他坚持将赛昂突袭机变得笨头笨脑的决定的?

7.Natape Portman took the best-actress award for her performance as a perfectionist ballerina in Darren Aronofsky's 'Black Swan. '娜塔利·波特曼凭借她在达伦•阿罗诺夫斯基导演的《黑天鹅》中作为一个完美主义芭蕾舞演员的表演获得最佳女主角奖。

8.Natape and I were discussing how we'd pay for the children's education before she got pregnant.Natape和我在怀孕前就讨论过如何为孩子的教育支付费用。

9.Stuart Bruce points us in the direction of an emerging debate between PR lecturer Richard Bailey and one of his students Natape Smith.斯图尔特.布鲁斯向我们指出出现了一个新型的研究方向,由公共关系课程的授课者理查德.贝利和他的一个学生纳塔利.史密斯讨论得出的。

10.If he could not win Natape back during all this time , he sadly overestimated himself and the tie between them .假如在这么长一段时间还不能把娜塔丽争取回来,那他就是不幸过高估计了自己的能力以及他们之间的缘分。