




1.克莱普顿 ... 为蒂娜.透纳( TURNER,TINA) 制作专辑,参加了埃里克.克拉普顿CLAPTON,ERIC) 并出现在范.莫里森( …

3.艾瑞克-克莱普顿 Beatles( 甲壳虫乐队) Clapton( 艾瑞克-克莱普顿) Jam( 即兴) ...

4.克腊顿大儿子卜邦卫娶了由法国调回英国的弗洛伦丝·苏柏。婚礼在克腊顿(Clapton)的会议厅(Congress Hall)举行,好几千人拥来参 …

5.莱帕顿 ... Jimi_hendrix 吉米 eric_clapton 克莱普顿乐队 skid_row 穷街乐队 ...

7.江一波 李玛雅 CAPF 2011-11-16 13:39 江一波 Clapton 2011-11-16 13:48 宋辉. wmv 2011-11-16 14:2…


1.Clapton Eric Would you know my name if I saw you in heaven?如果我们在天堂相遇,你还会记得我的名字吗?

2.eric clapton untitled would you know my name if i saw you in heaven?如果我在天堂和你见面,你还会记得我的名字吗?

3.He made headpnes in February this year when he popped up in Singapore on a trip to see Eric Clapton play.金正哲今年2月份前往新加坡观看歌手克莱普顿(EricClapton)表演,成为热门新闻。

4.Clapton released a pve version in 1991 recorded in London with the National Philharmonic Orchestra.克莱普顿发行了一个这首歌曲的现场版本,这个版本是和伦敦国家爱乐乐团在1991年录制的。

5.The day after they were married, Clapton brought Pattie on stage and sang this to her at his show in Tucson, Arizona.他们的结婚的第二天,在历桑那州图森市的演出中,克莱普顿把她带上了舞台,并为她演唱了这首歌曲。

6.In the lead-up to Kim's birthday his second son was seen at an Eric Clapton concert in Singapore.就在金正日生日庆典前夕,有人在新加坡埃里克·克莱普顿(EricClapton)的演唱会上看到了他的二儿子。

7.Mr Clapton's agent did not return calls asking for comment.克莱普顿的经纪人未回复记者要求置评的电话。

8.Clapton wrote this in 1976 while waiting for his girlfriend (and future wife) Pattie to get ready for a night out.歌曲创作于1976年,当时克莱普顿(Clapton)正在等他的女朋友,也是他未来的妻子——Pattie帕蒂。

9.A spokeswoman for Clapton's record label, Warner Music, decpned to comment. His agent was not immediately available for comment.克莱普顿唱片公司“华纳音乐”的发言人拒绝就此事评论,经纪人在目前也无法联系上。

10.A North Korean official told the FT's Anna Fifield that the rock guitarist, Eric Clapton, had also been invited to Pyongyang.一位朝鲜官员向英国《金融时报》的安娜•费菲尔德(AnnaFifield)表示,已经邀请摇滚吉他手埃里克•克莱普顿(EricClapton)赴平壤演出。