




1.临时措施 ... ) provisional measures 临时措施 ) temporary measures 临时措施 ) interim measure 临时措施 ...

2.临时救济措施 (phrasal verb 片语动词) Temporary measures 短期措施 Long-term measures 长远措施 ...


1.The blue skies that blessed events after the first few days of the games were more the result of temporary measures than long- term popcy .在奥运头几天后一直伴随着赛事的蓝天,更多的是临时措施而非长期政策的结果。

2.Lehman, which has stumbled in efforts to raise capital, is another example of the game-changing nature of temporary measures.在筹资问题上遭遇挫折的雷曼兄弟是临时措施改变游戏的又一个例子。

3.The implementation of the temporary measures turns out a good result and it is worth while summing up its experience.该办法的实施取得了良好的社会效果,其经验值得总结。

4.We instituted temporary measures to hold down the prices of grain, edible vegetable oil and other important commodities.对粮食、食用植物油等重要商品实施临时价格干预措施。

5.Take specific action to correct the problem. At a minimum, short-term temporary measures are required to protect the customer.采取特殊措施改正问题,至少,要求用短期暂时的方法去保护顾客。

6.Some specific interventions could be justified as temporary measures for sectors hard hit by recession.一些具体的干预措施,理应被当作纾困受衰退重创行业的临时举措。

7.During the process of ptigation, a court can take such temporary measures as preservation of evidence or property.在诉讼中,法院可以采取财产保全和证据保全的临时措施;

8.the parties shall comply with the International Court of Justice informed about the temporary measures.各方应向国际法院通报有关遵守上述临时措施的情况。

9.The extreme measures the government takes are temporary measures aimed at a particular event for a short period of time.采取临时的措施以应付短时间内的特定活动,政府采取这样的极端手段是不可能实现持续的。

10.Temporary Measures on Management of Loan Investment Project of International Financial Organization and Foreign Governments国际金融组织和外国政府贷款投资项目管理暂行办法