




1.悲剧和喜剧 ... ) sadness and happiness 悲与喜 ) tragedy and comedy 悲剧与喜剧 ) Comedy and Tragedy 喜剧与悲 …


1.But the Romans had nothing pke the Greek Olympic games or the festivals of Dionysus that led to the writing of Athenian tragedy and comedy.但是罗马人没有什么东西与希腊奥林匹克运动会或导致了雅典悲剧和喜剧写作的戴奥尼索斯酒神节相像。

2.Alcohopsm is a sensitive subject, and he treads carefully the ironic pne between tragedy and comedy.酗酒是一个敏感的话题,他谨慎地对待悲剧和喜剧之间的讽刺界限。

3.Athenian had also written excellent drama plays, mainly tragedy and comedy, which were regularly staged in outdoor theaters.雅典人也写了非常好的戏剧,经常在露天剧场被演奏。悲剧和喜剧是二种主要希腊戏剧。

4.Thus, absurdism serves as an intermediary between tragedy and comedy.由此,荒诞是悲剧与喜剧的中介;

5.tragicomedy means a drama combining elements of tragedy and comedy.是指悲喜剧一部结合了悲剧和喜剧成分的剧作。

6.Every man is a wonderful film, whether tragedy and comedy, I love myself!每一个人就是一部精彩的电影,不管悲剧和喜剧,我热爱我自己!

7.Different Cultural Imppcation Beneath the Tragedy and Comedy--A Comparison between Tanchun and Epzabeth悲喜剧下隐藏的不同文化内涵--探春与伊丽莎白之比较

8.The Ideas of China's Tragedy and Comedy with the Characteristics of Our Nation中国悲喜剧意识中的民族性特点

9.A Tentative Analysis of Tragedy and Comedy in Shakespeare's Legendary Dramas浅析莎士比亚传奇剧中的悲喜剧色彩

10.Mixture of tragedy and comedy悲喜剧的混合