


网络释义:三倍频(third-harmonic generation);谐波产生;三次谐波


1.三倍频(third-harmonic generation)、 - 扫描 ( z Z [1 ] scan) 和三倍频 ( THG) 等技术 . 原则上讲 ,这些技术 与纳秒 、 皮秒测试技术是类似的 ,但飞秒实验技术的 一...

2.谐波产生y ( 33 ) except that for Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein (THG), 1:500 dilution of rabbit anti-human THG (kindly donated by Pr...

6.孕三烯酮这使得“专门设计的”的类固醇能够逃避检测,例如四氢孕三烯酮(THG)具有与其他类固醇相同的效应,可提高速度或增加肌肉质 …


1.Method: Thg effect, adverse reaction and resistance of the antibacterial drugs Were Analyzed and summarized, in special patient groups.方法:总结和分析临床种类人群抗菌药物应用的效果、副反应和耐药性。

2.Just last month, Britain's top sprinter Dwain Chambers and several american athletes tested positive for the drug THG.就在上个月,英国顶级赛跑选手达文?钱伯斯和其他几名美国选手在变体兴奋剂检测中,结果呈阳性。

3.The THG episode fuels speculation that a network of clandestine laboratories exists that develops and produces illegal steroids.THG事件也不禁令人揣测,非法从事类固醇开发与制造的地下实验室网络,并非空穴来风。

4.Until a coach secretly gave a sample of THG to scientists, no one knew how to test for it.如果不是一位教练秘密地将变体兴奋剂样本送交到科学家手里,人们甚至不知道如何检测这种兴奋剂。

5.THG and ICM appealed against the decision and ARU cross appealed.三倍频和的ICM上诉所针对的决定和阿鲁交叉上诉。

6.Analysis of the errors between measurement and simulation of near field for high-intensity THG高强度三倍频近场测量实验与模拟计算的误差分析

7.Research on the Optimum THG Direction of YCOB CrystalYCOB晶体的最佳三倍频方向研究

8.On synthetic Steroid Hormone After THG DisputesTHG风波下再谈合成类固醇类兴奋剂