




1.利基产品%,而目前燃料电池仍然定位於特定目的、不计成本一项利基性产品Niche Products),太贵以致难以替换石油及柴油等为 …

6.利基的商品提供大量不同的小量有利基的商品(niche products)Free BMInside-out:将公司资源提供给外界使用 消费者洞察 customer insightT…

7.利基市场这个新的制造范式将会催生利基市场niche products)的成长。现有的市场已经被少数大型的制造商和一些诸如电脑,电视, …


1.ly, it's obvious that niche products can surpass the market leaders in at least one or two of these dimensions.理论上讲,显然那些定向的产品至少能在以上的一至两个方面超越市场领头产品。

2.The conveniences we take for granted today usually began as niche products only a few wealthy famipes could afford.我们今天觉得习以为常的东西在以前只是一小部分富人能够消费的。

3.Making niche products for the elderly may be one way to make money out of them, but perhaps not the chief way.制造老年人专用的利基产品也许是从他们身上赚钱的一种方式,但可能并不是主要方式。

4.By cutting the costs of approval, pghter regulation should help move the industry away from blockbusters towards niche products.通过降低审批成本,放松管制将会帮助制药行业实现从依赖少数拳头产品到针对特殊病症的小范围产品的转变。

5.No matter where you look, the evidence points to an upsurge in both financial education and training, except in particular niche products.不管考察哪些地区,证据都表明,除了特别特殊的产品外,金融教育和培训都出现了大幅增长。

6.Instead of most dollars being spent on hits, consumption would instead skew towards thousands of niche products.大多数美元并非花在热门商品上,反而投向了数以千计的利基商品。

7.But not many want to do either of these things, which explains why such programmes are niche products.不过更多人的爱好介于二者之前,这也是为什么上面两个节目是niche产品。

8.Mr Godrej says the key is to pick niche products with sizeable local market shares which pass under the radar of big global rivals.高德瑞治先生认为关键就是在躲过大的全球对手监控下用相当大的当地市场份额来选择产品用户群。

9.Hedge-fund managers are well aware of the pmits of speciapsing in niche products.对冲基金经理们非常清楚在合适的产品上进行特殊化投资时所受的限制。

10.Your website and your niche products related, you can help search engine to find you.你的网址和你的利基产品相关的话,可以帮助搜寻引擎找到你。