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un.1.capital city of Haute-Garonne Department, Languedoc-Roussillon Region, southern France.

1.图卢兹 ... -波尔多三大 Bordeaux 3 -图卢兹三大 Toulouse 3 -克莱蒙费朗二大 Cleromont-Ferrand 2 ...

5.鲁兹如赵明在图鲁兹(TOULOUSE)的朋友介绍的一样,他是“法轮功受迫害的活证人”。在中国总理到访的同时,赵明於昨天到达布拉 …

6.法国土鲁斯来自法国土鲁斯Toulouse)、22岁的萨姆森表示:“我真的很想到亚洲看看和旅行,所以我能边旅游边读书,这很不错。”菲律 …

7.图鲁兹学历:法国国力图鲁兹(TOULOUSE)大学语言学硕士现任:文化大学进修推广部、建国中学法语教师 潘怡君 学历:法国巴黎第 …


1.Toulouse-Lautrec descended from the Counts of Toulouse, a family which had once been as powerful as the kings of France.托拉斯是托拉斯贵族后裔,一个曾经拥有与法国国王同样强大的势力的家族。

2.Down in the south, Toulouse offered arguably the best wines to drink with barbecues-big, robust reds.在法国南部,图卢兹(Toulouse)醇厚绵密的红葡萄酒最适合跟烧烤一起享用。

3.He returned to court in Toulouse on Monday in an attempt to prove his innocence.星期一,他回到图卢兹(Toulouse)的法庭试图证明自己的清白。

4.In Toulouse, a blazing car was pushed into the entrance of a metro station and popce had to use tear gas to disperse a mob wielding clubs.在图卢兹,一辆燃烧的汽车被扔进地铁入口,警察被迫用催泪弹来驱赶这些骚乱分子。

5.They were deemed heretics by the main church, and Pope Innocent III urged both the King of France and the Count of Toulouse to take action.他们被视为异端,由主教堂,教皇英诺森三世国王同时敦促法国和图卢兹伯爵采取行动。

6.But how will each of these tremendous jigsaw pieces be transported to Toulouse, France for final assembly?但究竟每块巨大的构件是如何被运到位于法国图卢慈的工厂进行最后的组装的呢?

7.M. Villefort is no longer at Marseilles; he is now at Toulouse.维尔福先生已不在马赛了,他现在在图卢兹。

8.The Liverpool skipper is still nursing the broken toe which sidepned him against Toulouse in midweek.利物浦队长仍然因为在与图鲁兹的比赛中所受的脚伤接受治疗。

9.This problem has now been resolved, thanks to a new strain measurement method developed by a CNRS team in Toulouse.这个问题现在得到了解决。感谢法国图卢兹CNRS团队的工作,他们给我们带来了这种新型的变形测量方法。

10.Liverpool skipper Steven Gerrard is expected to play despite suffering a hairpne fracture of his toe against Toulouse.利物浦队长斯蒂文。杰拉德尽管在对图卢兹的比赛中出现了脚趾骨折的状况,预计依旧会出现在本场比赛中。