




1.挤进 crowd sb off the side walk 把某人挤出人行道/ crowd into 挤进/ crowded adj. 拥挤的,装满的,密集的/ ...

2.拥进 拥挤[ crowd;push and squeeze] 拥进[ crowd into] 拥聚[ gather round] ...

3.涌进 follow the crowd 随大流 crowd into 涌进 be crowded with 挤满,充满,满是 ...

4.涌入 be crowded with 挤满 crowd into 涌入 6. It remains to be proved 有待证明 7. ...

5.大批涌入 ... crowd-puller n. 吸引大批观众的人或事物 crowd into sth. crowd in 大批涌入 a large crowd of 一大群 ...

6.挤入 crowd out vt. 挤出;推开 crowd into 涌入;挤入 follow the crowd 随大流 ...

7.拥入 convert...into 把…转换成 crowd into 拥入 cut into 侵犯(利益),打断(讲话) ...


1.No end of the war, no end of the death, roar, shout, cry, crowd into the sky. People's soul is full of scare, white feather.无休止的战争,无休止的死亡,咆哮,呼喊,哭泣,响彻天际。恐慌,胆怯占据人们灵魂。

2.Lack of money doesn't look to be a problem in February for Capricorn, as planets crowd into Aquarius and your solar house of income.在2月,资金短缺看似并不是问题,因为众多行星都集聚水瓶座,也是你日座象征收入的第2宫内。

3.a time when milpons of other American famipes were preparing to crowd into the Bicentennial shrines of the East.当时数百万美国家庭正准备拥向东部两百年大庆的圣地。

4.It is not clear what caused the panic that turned the festival crowd into a stampede; rumours abound.目前尚不清楚是什么原因导致了这次由节日集会演变成的踩踏事故。坊间流言四起。

5.The eager students crowd into the lecture hall to hear that famous professor from the University of Cambridge.那些热切的学生们纷纷挤进了讲堂,来聆听来自剑桥大学的那位著名教书讲课

6.Another thing that I've learned is that any hint of northern European origins sends the newborn crowd into a tizzy.我学到的另一件事是,北欧人赋予婴儿的任何暗示都陷入了一种恐慌。

7.Crowd into the bus is a comprehensive exercise which gathers free-boxing, yoga, jiujitsu, balance beam etc. sport and fitness projects.挤公交是包含散打、瑜珈、柔道、平衡木等多种体育和健身项目于一体的综合性运动。

8.What events, what experiences, what associations should we crowd into those last hours as mortal beings, what regrets?作为临终的人,在最后的时刻我们应该做些什么、经历些什么、联想些什么,什么有令我们后悔?

9.They had managed to crowd into a train.他们勉强挤上了一列火车。

10.When species crowd into an area, they compete for resources and become efficient at using them.当物种拥挤在一片区域时,它们竞相争夺资源,并利用得更有效率。