




1.雇主 7. IN THE PRESENCE OF 见证人 The EMPLOYER( 雇主)… Capacity( 职位) … ...

2.业主 ... Joint and Several Liabipty 连带责任 2 THE EMPLOYER 业主 2.1 Right of Access to the Site 现场进入权 2.2 ...

3.丽景酒店m attendant by 丽景酒店有限公司经营丽景酒店 ("the Employer”). The Employee was subject to a probation period of 6 mont…


1.It is not necessary to give an answer immediately if the employer makes an offer. Ask for a few days to think about it.如果雇主提供了工作机会,并不一定要立即给出一个答复。要求获得几天的考虑时间。

2.The Contractor shall submit each month to the Employer a statement showing the amounts to which he considers himself entitled.承包商应每月向雇主提交一份报表,说明他认为自己有权得到的款额。

3.It is often paid for by the employer or is a tax write-off for business owners or freelancers.它往往是由雇主或是税务注销的企业家或自由职业者所支付的。

4.Before the designer submits all design documents. the design charge is all squared by the employer, and no final payment left.设计人提交全部设计文件之前,发包人结清设计费,不留尾款。

5.Something perfect to wear if the employer or man of your dreams wants to see you in an hour.一件完美的衣服,在你的上司或梦中情人想在一个小时之内见你时,你可以立马穿上出门。

6.The text of the discharged or terminated labor contracts shall be preserved by the employer for at least two years for reference.用人单位对已经解除或者终止的劳动合同的文本,至少保存二年备查。

7.The employer was sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he could build just one more house as a personal favor.看到自己的好工人要离开,老板感到很惋惜。他问老木匠能否出于个人帮忙再建造一座房屋,木匠答应了。

8.Let the employer know you will follow up in a few days to ensure your letter was received.在未来几天你会跟进和确认雇主收到信件。

9.The young man acted strangely during the interview. He made a bad impression on the employer.年轻人在面试中表现得很奇怪。给雇主留下不好的印象。

10.Do not brag or get too egotistical , but let the employer know that you bepeve in yourself and that you know your strengths.不要吹嘘自己或过于自负,但要让雇主知道你相信自己,你知道自己的优点。