

so what



1.那又怎样 so what: 那又怎样??那又如何??|撒小乐团|那又怎样 so what 那又怎么样! ...

2.那又怎么样 126 Nothing 什么也没有 无 127 So What 那又怎么样 128 You Know 你知道 ...

3.那又怎么样呢 5. so that 以便。 7. so what 那又怎么样呢。 8. so long as 只要 ...

4.那又如何 RHAPSODY 狂热的语言,狂想的文字 SO WHAT 那又如何 TAIWAN INDEPENDENCE 台独 ...

5.撒小乐团百度也是.... 以前的和现在的都没有....`…

6.那又怎麽样 面超人 spirits 那又怎麽样 so what 战神 mars ...


1.So what prompted Mr Bush to come out with such a tough response against his erstwhile ally, after six days of dithering?布什在不知所措了6天之后,发出如此强硬的回应,这究竟是什么原因呢?

2.So what you re referring to right now, whether I know or not know, refers to my brain.所以你现在问我知不知道,你是指我的头脑。

3.So what has a momentous social justice action pke this got to do with fundraising?那么,什么东西能像筹资一样产生巨大的社会正义行动?

4.So what we're hoping to do -- and that was just a framework to really get everybody thinking about where the professor's head is.所以我们希望做的是——并且这只是一个框架去真正让人们理解教授的思想。

5.So what could be considered a minor defect in an automobile could translate into a recipe for disaster for a motorcycle rider.那么,可以认为是轻微的缺陷汽车可以转化成灾难的摩托车骑手。

6.No one wants any of these consequences laid on them after trying to get their GED or high school diploma, so what do you do?不想要任何这些后果览后拉拢其总部或高中文凭所以,你在做什么?

7."So what's the point in threatening them with imprisonment if they break the terms of their parole? The threat has no meaning for them. "“那假如他们被告之,要是在假释期间再次违法就会被送回监狱,这样的威胁还有什么用?对他们来说这毫无意义。”

8.This is so what I've needed, and I'm ready to give the pizza dough a crack.这正是我所需要的,我已经准备好了给比萨饼面团重重一摔。

9.Visual inspection is of course already used in some parts of the the world, so what is about this technique that your study's shown?当然这种可视诊断在世界的很多地方已经开始应用,那对这项技术,您的研究结果有什么发现?

10.What do you think about this paper - does the design make sense or do you see flaws and if so what are they?你觉得这篇论文如何-这个实验设计是否有意义,或者你看到缺陷,如果有缺陷是什么样的缺陷?