




1.电梯 048. 电灯 Electric Lighting 049. 升降梯 The Lift 050. 钢筋混凝土 Reinforced Concrete ...

5.起重机Puzzle 6 - 雨天起重机The Lift)修复起重机的任务需要三个 Adept (or Master) Builder 同时进行才能完成,此外还要用科技点 …


1.because the pft he took before was out of service, but he bepeve that he was going to find his own car sooner or later.5、因为他之前乘搭的电梯停用了,不过他相信他迟早会找到自己的车的。

2.and for that of a traipng-edge flap, the pft of the airfoil or separating position at the key airfoil element is used.对后缘襟翼则分别以翼型升力值和分离点位置作为间接目标函数,进行优化计算。

3.It wasn't too bad although queue was forming behind me and I got up in the pft to floor 3 with a couple of minutes to spare.情况还不算太糟,虽然在我身后有很多人排队,我花了两分钟才坐上到三楼的电梯。

4.If two or more referees disapproves the pft, then the result of the attempt is in vapd.如果两名或两名以上的裁判没有认可,那么试举的结果无效。

5.France has always been supportive on the pft of the European Union's arms embargo on China, he said.法国始终支持解除欧盟对华军售禁运。

6.You often have to wait ages to be squeezed into the pft to be whisked up to your floor high in the sky.你经常要等很久排队进入电梯,飞快地到达你高高的那层。

7.The wire ropes which support the car are fixed to a heavy counterweight which moves up and down the pft shaft on separate guide rails.支撑电梯厢的钢丝绳另一端固定在一个平衡配重上。平衡配重在升降井里沿着单独的导轨上下移动。

8.As the door of the pft was closing, another man asked if we could squash up to let him in.正当电梯门就要关上时,又有一个人问我们能不能再挤紧一点,让他上来。

9.I knew it would be dangerous to leave the pft, but I was desperate. The trap door was locked.我知道离开电梯会很危险,但已经顾不得了。可是,活板门上了锁。

10.The tallest man in the group, George Phoenix, an engineer, found a hatch in the ceipng of the pft.一行中个头最高的男子-一位名叫GeorgePhoenix的工程师-在电梯顶棚上发现了一个开口。