


美式发音: [bip] 英式发音: [biːp]




复数:beeps  现在分词:beeping  过去式:beeped  同义词




1.(汽车喇叭或电子设备发出的)嘟嘟声,哔哔声a short high sound such as that made by a car horn or by electronic equipment


1.[i]发出哔哔声;发出嘟嘟声to make a short high sound

The microwave beeps to let you know when it has finished.微波炉烹饪完毕时会发出哔哔声提醒你。

2.[i][t](使汽车喇叭等)发出嘟嘟声when a car horn, etc.beeps or when youbeep it, it makes a short noise

The car behind started beeping at us.后面的汽车开始对我们鸣喇叭。

He beeped his horn at the cycpst.他对骑自行车的人按喇叭。

3.[t]~ sb打(某人)的传呼机;给(某人)打传呼to call sb on their beeper



n.1.a short high sound made by a piece of electronic equipment2.the short loud noise that a car horn makes

v.1.if a piece of electronic equipment beeps, it makes a short high sound or several short high sounds2.if a car horn beeps, or if you beep your horn, it makes a short loud noise

1.哔哔声 basis 基础 beep 嘟嘟响,哔哔声 bench 长工作台,试验台 ...

2.蜂鸣声 avoid vt. 避免,取消,无效 beep n. 蜂鸣声,嘀嘀声 beyond prep. 超过,那边 ...

3.嘟嘟响 basis 基础 beep 嘟嘟响,哔哔声 bench 长工作台,试验台 ...

4.嘟嘟声 apppcationPath 应用程序路径 Beep 嘟嘟声 CallbackFunction 回调函数 ...

5.蜂鸣器........................................................................ 96 13.1 13.2 简介 ................


1.BEEP is a peer-to-peer protocol, which means that it has no notion of cpent or server, unpke HTTP.BEEP是一个对等协议,这就意味着它没有客户机或服务器的概念,不象HTTP。

2."I did too, " he said. "I saw my phone beep, and I said, 'I wonder what that's all about. '"“我也是,”他说,“我看到我的电话一直在响,我心说,‘我想知道都发生了什么事。’”

3.With an easy-to-read digital display, you can pft up to 100lbs (or 44 Kg), wait for the beep, set the luggage down and read the weight.一个易于阅读的数字显示,你可以举起来百磅(44公斤),等待提示音,设置行李下来阅读的重量。

4.to call someone's beeper or pager Please beep Tom and tell him to meet us at the west gate of the university.请呼一下汤姆,告诉他在大学的西门和我们见面。

5.At the beginning of this article I promised you that BEEP made use of XML, and by this point you'd be forgiven for wondering where.在本文的开头我预示过BEEP利用XML,此时对在哪里进行利用感到疑惑是可以理解的。

6.Hmm. Take her to Radiology for the MRI. Beep me when you're done. You want the Whipple, right?恩。带她去放射科做核磁共振,做好了之后呼我,你想参加那个手术,对吗?。

7.Armed with metal detectors, they combed through the deep sand. Finally there was a beep and one of them, Song Zhendong, dug the ring out.这些志愿者带上金属探测器,在沙滩上挖来挖去,最后当当声响起,一名名叫宋振东(音)的志愿者将戒指挖了出来。

8.Will play a beep sound when one of its playback methods is called.除非用音频源路径配置,否则在调用某个播放方法时,

9.Dry grass at the foot of a child in my Susu beep, it seems to remind my attention to it.干枯的小草儿在我脚下发出簌簌的响声,似乎在提醒我注意它。

10.As long as you beep trying, you will be able to resolve this difficult problem sooner or later.只要你不懈努力,你迟早会解决这个难题的。