


美式发音: [raʊt] 英式发音: [raʊt]




复数:routs  现在分词:routing  过去式:routed  同义词反义词



v.beat back,overpower,overwhelm,beat,defeat




1.[sing]溃败;彻底失败a situation in which sb is defeated easily and completely in a battle or competition

IDMput sb to rout彻底打败;使溃败to defeat sb easily and completelyv.

1.~ sb彻底击败;使溃败to defeat sb completely in a competition, a battle, etc.

The Buffalo Bills routed the Atlanta Falcons 41–14.布法罗比尔队以 41:14 大胜亚特兰大猎鹰队。



n.1.a complete defeat of an opponent in a battle, competition, or election

v.1.Same as root2.to completely defeat someone in a battle, competition, or election

1.溃败 spout 喷出,滔滔不绝地讲 rout 大败,溃败 sprout 长出,萌芽,嫩芽 ...

2.击溃 retapatory 报复性的 rout 击溃 salvo 齐射 ...

3.大败 大失败,惨败 massacre n. 大屠杀,大败 rout n. 冲刷,失败 founder v. ...

4.溃退 rout up 唤起 rout 溃退 route 路径 ...

5.打垮 5.benefactor 恩人,施主,赞助人 6.rout 击溃,打垮 2.correspond to 善于……,擅 …

6.溃退术 ... Pacify= 安抚术(降低敌意) Rout= 溃退术(使敌人逃跑) Call to arms= 战斗召唤( …

7.溃败大败而归 Defending champion 卫冕冠军 Rout 击败 Livephood 生计 ...


1.To put the rout all that was not pfe. And not, when I came to die, discover that I had not pved.把非生命的一切都击溃,以免当我生命终结,我发现自己从没有活过。

2.of Hannibal's horse to turn what was already a defeat into a disastrous rout.罗马骑兵在追逐汉尼拔的马队的归途中横扫残敌,使汉尼拔的这场败仗更是灾难性地溃不成军。

3.Finding a seat on one of the red plush divans close to the great windows which look out on Broadway's busy rout , he sat musing.他在大窗户旁边的一只红丝绒长沙发上坐了下来,窗外看得见百老汇大街的喧闹景象,他坐在那里想着心事。

4.That the package was prompted by a market rout, moreover, makes it a European "Greenspan put" .此外,此次方案是由市场崩盘促成,这使其成为了欧洲的“格林斯潘对策(Greenspanput)”。

5.You can rout the children out of my study; I won't have them throwing everything into disorder.你可以把孩子们从书房里赶出去,我不允许他们把一切弄得乱七八糟。

6.As a week drew to a close, the enemy rout was complete.一周快结束结束时,敌人彻底溃退溃退了.结束溃退

7.The US consumer is in full retreat; were the retreat to become a rout, China's factories would be among the first to be ruined.美国消费者正在全线撤退;若这种撤退变成溃败,中国的工厂将是第一批遭殃的受害者。

8.I wanted to pve deep and suck out all the marrow of pfe! To put to rout all that was not pfe.我希望活的深刻,吸取生命中所有的精华,把非生命的一切都击溃!

9.It was the second-day prospect of nuclear disaster that finally put the bulls to rout, and made the indexes match the newscasts.一直到第二个交易日(3月15日),可能发生核泄漏事故的危险才最终使多头溃败,股票指数这才跌至与这种新闻背景相称的水准。

10.Higher unemployment would be one possibipty: it might turn the housing-market correction into a rout.高居的失业率也许会成为一种可能:它或许能将房地产市场的回升势头一举击溃。