




1.美国步枪协会美国步枪协会(The National Rifle Association)动员会员用电话、邮件和信件对参议院发动地毯式攻势。仅周三一天,该协会就 …

2.美国来福枪协会美国来福枪协会(The National Rifle Association)及其盟友,多年来成功地阻挡各种枪枝管制法案。然而,上周20名幼儿和6位学 …

3.美国枪支协会《华盛顿邮报》3月17日报道,美国枪支协会The National Rifle Association)将力图阻止联合国正在磋商的武器贸易条约。 …

4.美国全国步枪协会美国全国步枪协会(The National Rifle Association)并未对此发表置评,第二修正案基金会(Second Amendment Foundation)发 …

5.美国国家步枪协会拜登的行动小组计划与10日会见美国国家步枪协会the National Rifle Association)和枪支零售商代表。纽约州州长库奥默(A…


1.The top lobbyist for the National Rifle Association said the terrorist watch pst has poor integrity.全国枪支协会的高级院外活动集团成员说,恐怖分子监视名单具有极差的完备性。

2.For Those Who Bear Arms The National Rifle Association offers a few scholarships to its junior members.玩过枪者奖学金美国步枪协会(NationalRifleAssociation)为其青少年会员提供少许奖学金。

3.With support from with the National Rifle Association (NRA), Mr D'Cruz is now a plaintiff in two federal lawsuits filed in Texas.D’Cruz先生得到全国步枪协会(简称NRA)的支持,成为德克萨斯州两起联邦法律诉讼的原告。

4.But the National Rifle Association (NRA), the main gun lobby, vastly prefers him to Mr Obama.但美国国家枪支协会(NRA),一个主要的支持持枪游说集团,却更喜欢他,远胜过奥巴马。

5.Surely there's some overlap between the border-security crowd and card-carrying members of the National Rifle Association.当然在边境安全人群和美国国家步枪协会的持证成员间,还是有一些重合意见的。

6.Today, we think of the National Rifle Association as a no-compromises opponent of gun control.今天,我们把“全国来福枪协会”(NationalRifleAssociation)视为枪械管制的毫不让步的对手。

7.The same day, at the Connecticut state capital, the National Rifle Association sponsored a gun rights rally .同一天在康涅狄格州首府,全国步枪协会支持一次持枪权利的集会。

8.Some of the national rifle association once favored but now opposes.一些国家枪支协会曾经支持但现在反对。

9.Backed by the National Rifle Association, the Bush administration has been cool toward gun control measures.由于全美步枪协会支持布什政府,布什政府已经弱化了枪支控制的各项措施。

10.Wayne LaPierre, head of the National Rifle Association, disagrees.而美国步枪协会的负责人韦恩·拉皮埃尔不同意这一观点。