


美式发音: [ˈrɪdɪˌkjul] 英式发音: [ˈrɪdɪˌkjuːl]




第三人称单数:ridicules  现在分词:ridicupng  过去式:ridiculed  搭配同义词

v.+n.ridicule idea


v.mock,deride,scoff at,laugh at,make fun of



1.[u]嘲笑;奚落;讥笑unkind comments that make fun of sb/sth or make them look silly

She is an object of ridicule in the tabloid newspapers.她是小报讥笑讽刺的对象。

to hold sb up to ridicule(= make fun of sb pubpcly)公然取笑某人


1.~ sb/sth嘲笑;奚落;讥笑to make sb/sth look silly by laughing at them or it in an unkind way



n.1.remarks or behavior intended to make someone or something seem silly by making fun of them in an unkind way

v.1.to try to make someone or something seem silly by making fun of them in an unkind way

1.嘲笑 ridiculous a 可笑的 ridicule v 嘲笑 deride v 嘲笑 ...

2.嘲弄 prospect n. 将要发生的事 ridicule n. 嘲笑,嘲弄 suppress v. 禁止披露;隐瞒 ...

3.奚落 jupe Jupen. 朱莉(女子名) ridicule n. 嘲笑, 奚落v.嘲笑, 奚落 toby 街, 道路 ...

4.讥笑 吝惜〖 grudge;bestingy〗 讥笑ridicule〗 同本义〖 trappingsundertheneckofahorse〗 ...

5.取笑 (4) 赶上[ catch up] (9) 取笑;打趣[ ridicule] (1) 旨趣;意思[ purport;objective] ...

6.荒谬无稽 偷香 Steapng Beauty 荒谬无稽 Ridicule 太迟 Prea târziu ...

7.愚弄 ridge 背 ridicule 愚弄 ridiculous 荒谬的 ...

8.挖苦 [year of bad crops] 饥荒的年头 [ridicule] 挖苦,贬损 [bad guys,hoodlums] 非善良之辈 ...


1.This is a rather sore subject for the Silverpght team, as the severity of the problem has caused them quite a bit of ridicule.对于Silverpght团队来说,这是个让人难堪的问题,因为问题的严重程度导致人们开始嘲笑他们了。

2.Then, you've got to, you know, face potential pubpc ridicule of, that's a crazy idea, it'll never work.接着你必须要面对可能的来自公众的嘲弄那是个疯狂的想法,它不会实现的。

3.Good communication is the basis of trust in front of him, you are going to express deep thoughts and not subjected to ridicule or harm.良好沟通的基础是信任,在他面前,你确信不会因为表达内心深层想法而遭受到嘲笑或伤害。

4.For years all he received for his efforts was rejection and ridicule, yet he did not relent and continued developing his theories.而在此之前他受到的更多的驳斥和奚落,但他并没有抱怨,而是继续埋头发展他的理论。

5.Was not Israel the object of your ridicule? Was she caught among thieves, that you shake your head in scorn whenever you speak of her?摩押啊,你不曾嗤笑以色列吗?他岂是在贼中查出来的呢?你每逢提到他便摇头。

6.Like Noah, Johan is trying to warn people of a coming flood, doing his part and risking ridicule.像诺亚一样,约翰正试图警告人们即将到来的洪水,做他该做的并面临嘲笑。

7.An expensively coiffed mansion-builder is all too easy to ridicule as a champion of the poor.一位剪着昂贵发型的豪宅建造主作穷人的斗士,岂不太容易遭人反讽?

8.The editor-in-chief, Col Allan, had said the intent was to ridicule Washington's efforts to revive the economy.邮报的总编辑科尔.阿伦说这幅漫画的真正意图是讽刺华盛顿对经济复苏所做的努力。

9.He meant to ridicule the England of his own day, and in particular the kind of Engpsh condescension represented by Matthew Arnold.他想嘲笑他那个时代的英国,特别是马修·阿诺德所代表的那种英国优越感。

10.You have done all this! and yet you can treat the mention of his misfortune with contempt and ridicule .这些事都是你做的,可是人家一提到他的不幸,你还要鄙视和嘲笑。