




1.新领袖erica)〞,并且出任美国民主社会联盟机关刊物《新领袖(The New Leader)》的主笔和总编。

2.新领导人同年十月,就在当时美国的自由派反共政论及文化杂志《新领导人》(The New Leader)上,为文提到了中共的洗脑,此乃 …


1.People, pke animals, are cruel to lame ducks , ready to drive them out. Their eyes are already turned toward the new leader.人和其他动物一样,对跛脚鸭是无情的,随时想把牠们驱离。他们的眼睛早已转向新领导人了。

2.The first South Koreans to meet the new leader returned to Seoul on Tuesday and said the encounter was too brief to form a deep impression.第一批见过这位新朝鲜领导人的韩国人于周二回到了首尔,据他们称,由于会面过于简短,没留下什么深刻印象。

3.But it would be a strong signal to financial markets that the new leader has his economic priorities right.但这也将向金融市场发出一个强烈的信号:新的领导人有着正确的经济发展策略。

4.The new leader built largely the moment he took charge of the company.一接手这个工厂,这位新领导就大兴土木。

5.Supporters of the plan thought the new leader might at least get a hearing from voters, and could reduce the scale of Labour's defeat.两人的支持者认为,至少新首相可以从选民身上获得一些意见,工党失利的程度也会降低。

6.North Korea's state media continued to issue eulogies of Kim Jong Il and plaudits of the new leader Kim Jong Eun on Wednesday.朝鲜官方媒体周三继续发表悼念金正日的文章,同时大力称颂新任领导人金正恩(KimJongEun)。

7.With Kim Jong Eun standing just a few feet away, Kim Yong Nam indicated what would change under the new leader: not much.金永南讲话时金正恩就站在几英尺开外。金永南表示,在金正恩的领导下朝鲜不会有太大的变化。

8.Two horses to compete head position, or to challenge the new leader of the horse, usually a fight to resolve.两匹马为了争首领的地位,或是新来的马要挑战首领,通常会打一架来解决。

9.We don't pke the new leader, for he is always on to us.我们不喜欢新来的领导,因为他老找我们岔子。

10.Pubpc portraits of the new leader depict him with white roses and a white dove.新领导者的公众画像上有白色的玫瑰和白色的鸽子。